- Joined
- Feb 22, 2006
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So basically, whenever I cast this spell in my map, it starts lagging REALLY badly. The fps drops to like one frame every 5 seconds. It does not crash the game, it just lags it to hell.
The spell is supposed to create an explosion that knocks enemy units into the air and sends them flying backwards from the target location of the spell, if that matters at all.
The script is in two parts; the first is the actual trigger, the second are the structs and timer callback that actually do all the work. This is because I have multiple spells in my map that require "jump" effects and it seemed a waste to me to declare one struct type and timer for every one of them instead of just making one "master" timer using a single struct type. It also clears up my code a lot.
First part (actual trigger)
Second part of script ("master" struct and timer callback as well as the global declarations)
I can't find any problems with the script, so I'm turning it over to you guys to see if being the retard I am, I missed something that you can catch.
The spell is supposed to create an explosion that knocks enemy units into the air and sends them flying backwards from the target location of the spell, if that matters at all.
The script is in two parts; the first is the actual trigger, the second are the structs and timer callback that actually do all the work. This is because I have multiple spells in my map that require "jump" effects and it seemed a waste to me to declare one struct type and timer for every one of them instead of just making one "master" timer using a single struct type. It also clears up my code a lot.
First part (actual trigger)
function InitTrig_Enflame takes nothing returns nothing
call OnAbilityEffect('A00Z',"Enflame_Actions")
function Enflame_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local jumpdata temp
local group g = CreateGroup()
local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit()
local unit u
local location targetloc = GetSpellTargetLoc()
local player p = GetOwningPlayer( caster )
local real x1 = GetLocationX( targetloc )
local real y1 = GetLocationY( targetloc )
local integer level = GetUnitAbilityLevel( caster, 'A00Z' )
call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Incinerate\\FireLordDeathExplode.mdl", x1, y1 ) )
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange( g, x1, y1, 300.00, null )
set u = FirstOfGroup( g )
exitwhen ( u == null )
if ( IsUnitEnemy( u, p ) and IsUnitType( u, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) == false and IsUnitType( u, UNIT_TYPE_FLYING ) == false and GetWidgetLife( u ) >= 0.405 ) then
set temp = jumpdata.create()
call UnitDamageTarget( caster, u, 200 + 100 * level, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS )
set temp.target = u
set temp.x1 = x1
set temp.y1 = y1
set temp.distance = 10.00
set temp.flyheight = 200.00
set temp.flyup = 0.30
set temp.flydown = 0.20
if ( jumptotal == 0 ) then
call TimerStart( jumptimer, 0.04, true, function Jump_Event )
set jumparray[jumptotal] = temp
set jumptotal = jumptotal + 1
call GroupRemoveUnit( g, u )
call DestroyGroup( g )
call RemoveLocation( targetloc )
set g = null
set caster = null
set targetloc = null
set p = null
Second part of script ("master" struct and timer callback as well as the global declarations)
struct jumpdata
unit target
real x1
real y1
real distance
real flyheight
real flyup
real flydown
integer counter = 0
boolean flyuptime = true
boolean destroyplease = false
timer jumptimer = CreateTimer()
jumpdata array jumparray
integer jumptotal = 0
function Jump_Event takes nothing returns nothing
local jumpdata temp
local real targetx
local real targety
local real angle
local real duration
local integer i = 0
set temp = jumparray[i]
if ( temp.destroyplease ) then
set jumparray[i] = jumparray[jumptotal - 1]
set jumptotal = jumptotal - 1
call temp.destroy()
set i = i - 1
set duration = temp.flyup + temp.flydown
if ( temp.counter >= duration / 0.04 ) then
call UnitRemoveAbility( temp.target, 'Arav' )
call PauseUnit( temp.target, false )
set temp.destroyplease = true
if ( temp.counter == 0 ) then
call PauseUnit( temp.target, true )
call UnitAddAbility( temp.target, 'Arav' )
call SetUnitFlyHeight( temp.target, temp.flyheight, temp.flyheight / temp.flyup )
if ( temp.counter >= temp.flyup / 0.04 and temp.flyuptime ) then
call SetUnitFlyHeight( temp.target, 0.00, temp.flyheight / temp.flydown )
set temp.flyuptime = false
set targetx = GetUnitX( temp.target )
set targety = GetUnitY( temp.target )
set angle = GetAngleBetweenPoints( temp.x1, temp.y1, targetx, targety )
call SetUnitPosition( temp.target, PolarProjectionX( targetx, temp.distance, angle ), PolarProjectionY( targety, temp.distance, angle ) )
set temp.counter = temp.counter + 1
set i = i + 1
if ( jumptotal == 0 ) then
call PauseTimer( jumptimer )
I can't find any problems with the script, so I'm turning it over to you guys to see if being the retard I am, I missed something that you can catch.