Knockback System Problem

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Level 8
Jun 26, 2019
Hello. I need help to fix the knockback system problem. The problem is, I fixed the system on Fire Boulder ability spell for my map Battleships with float units, but the only problem is if the unit's movement type is float, and the knockback hits the unit that is on float, the game get a lot of lags.

I changed the unit's movement type to foot, and if the knockback hits the unit that is on foot, and the game is not lagging at all. I need help to figure out how to get this knockback system to be work with float units, you know. Here the test map file "Custom Ability Test1". Take a look at it. You will see 4 red human riflemans and 4 intercepter ships. Start with moving the riflemans forward against the blue blood mage, and the riflemans will get knocked backward. No problem. All good. Now, try moving the intercepter ships forward against the blood mage, and you will notice the problem.

It was movement type issue. Because I changed this intercepter ship's movement type to foot from float, and it solved the lagging issue. But, changing back to float, and caused the game lagging.

I also found other kind of knockback that works with ship in other map file "Push Ball3", but I am trying to figure out how to put this into the custom ability for Fire Blouder spell.


  • Custom Ability Test1.w3x
    99 KB · Views: 19
  • Push Ball3.w3x
    21.5 KB · Views: 17
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