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[vJASS] Knockback on Critical Strike

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Level 9
Jun 13, 2008
Hi guys...I was trying to adapt a knockback system to 1)ark_Nİte's Enhanced Critical Strike spell...so when that critical damage happens, I also want that target to be knocked back thats all....but nite's spell is VJASS which I know nothing about (despite being a programmer)....if it would be with triggers I would've done that by myself but I guess calling a trigger function(because all knockback systems in here are triggers) in a pure Vjass code is something I can't figure out.

Its for my own personal map. If anyone can help me how to do this I'd be appreciated.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
You need 2 things:

1. The event that the Critical Hit is dealt.
2. The action of the knockback.

For both you use a custom system.

1. You need a DDS and (probably) code the critical strike instead of using the standard one. You can determine the crit chance and do everything you want probably.

2. You need a knockback system to do a knockback... duh
You can find your preferred knockback systems.
All you have to do is pick one and try it.
Level 9
Jun 13, 2008
I can understand where that crit damage happens when I read ark_Nİte's enhanced critical strike spell...I guess I just have to call the name of the knockback function I choose in there?...It would be enough, right?
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