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Kill the Pain - C1L1 - Cemetery

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

You are a dead special agent, but you can't go to Heaven and can't go to Hell because you did good and bad things too. An archangel, named Ayrel can bring you to Heaven, if you'll do what he said: find and kill the Hell's Five Generals in the Purgatory (between Heaven and Hell) Good luck, mortal.

Chapter 1 Level 1 [C1L1] - Cemetery
Go trough the level and kill every monster you see, collect their souls (it gives you +HP), find secret places and enjoy the gameplay and the music!

Credits for models:

-General Frank,

Thank you for downloading, next level will come in the next week.

Ordworse, painkiller ,kill the pain, ktp, shooter, fps, cemetery, good music, shoot, shooting, kill, killing, arena, checkpoint

Kill the Pain - C1L1 - Cemetery (Map)

11:41, 27th June 2009, by Linaze Kill the pain is a singleplayer action shooter game where you are a former agent who has been trapped between heaven and hell and need to prove your worth to get to heaven. The gameplay was rather simple (to simple...




11:41, 27th June 2009, by Linaze
Kill the pain is a singleplayer action shooter game where you are a former agent who has been trapped between heaven and hell and need to prove your worth to get to heaven. The gameplay was rather simple (to simple even, perhaps) since you had no abilities at all and only a ranged attack that auto attacked enemies in your range, so all you did was run around looking for enemies. Adding some abilities like Throw Grenade and things like different weapons, ammunition etc. would make the map less repetitive and more entertaining. The terrain needs some serious improvements when it comes to tile variation and doodads, but the terrain is decent otherwise. The lasting value isn't that good and lasts perhaps only ~20 minutes before you've finished it. It's also rather easy, so adding difficulties or making it overall a bit harder would do this map good.

Rejected with a 2/5 (lacking) rating
Level 9
Jan 17, 2009
maybe try to convert the music to a different file type because right now it makes the map HUGE, i havent played it but will try it and then update my post
EDIT: game is kind of bad, i suggest implementing a better shooting system instead of using the basic wc3 one
also, i saw no grenades or any other type of special abilities
it is way too easy but i was playing on Bad Dream difficulty if i just let my guy sit there i would kill everything.
i would suggest putting this in map development section and get testers to give you some feedback the you would know what to improve.
right now this map is likely to get rejected, but if you work on it and change some stuff it could be really fun.
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
Your Map description on the Hive.
- Max Points 5
In-game description and loading screen.
- Max Points 15
Basic gameplay, game interface and originality.
- Max Points 20
Basic terrain, use of doodads and bonus points.
- Max Points 10
All about the program.
- Max Points 5
Custom Data
Imported files, custom units and spells.
- Max Points 15
Is this map worth playing it again?
- Max Points 5

Hive Description
I really hate when people just copy the description of the map on the Hive, but there is no much you could tell us though. 3/5
First Impression
The file size is incredible big, it really gives a bad impression, or in my case, I was expecting something more, the minimap looks good though. 3/5
In-Game Description
Good description. 5/5
Loading Screen
I've seen this type of loading screen somewhere else, and I still think the same, it looks a little forced and distorted. 3/5
Basic Gameplay
The gameplay reminds me of those old days, when people used to upload maps with no actual sense, just a big map full of creeps, and let me tell you, I miss that kind of maps, really, you managed to create a kill for nothing map but with style, but it could have been better, maybe with abilities or some other shooting system. 4/5
You actually have a quest, reach the goal and collect souls, you did not bother to create the quest, I know it is obvious since you said it here at the hive, and then in the in-game description, but I think is necessary. 1/5
Game Interface
Really basic, no colors no nothing, but is there. 3/5
As I said before, you remind me of those maps where you only need to kill creeps, but the idea and the style are not very used anymore. 3/5
Basic Terrain
Flat, extremely flat, but I think that is the point, I couldn't see it in any other way. 5/5
Great use of doodads, really basic, as all the map in general, so it fits perfectly. 5/5
Bonus Points
There's no actual point to give you bonus points, because you already have the limit points, but if I could give you more points, I would, you manage to create some kind of tension and suspense.
Systems, basic program
Well, it works fine, but if I were playing this map in a older computer, it would be impossible, there are too many leaks, special effects are never destroyed, so as the points, etc. Check the tutorial section here in the Hive, there's a tutorial about leaks. 3/5
Imported Files
Great job, but I think it could have been less imported files to decrease the size of the map. 5/5
Custom Units
The unit you use is really basic, it is just a unit, nothing special, but the other units, well... are just enemies, but the stats and all, is great how you do the balance, but, there's a problem, the weakest unit's portrait does not work fine, I know, you didn't create that, but you must be sure to use units that works fine in game. 4/5
Custom Spells
There's one custom spell, and the only thing you actually did was change the tooltip, and by the way, it has a typo on the title. 1/5
Play again?
Well, it is fun, and the addition of difficulties is great, but is there's no much thing to discover or to do, maybe with some puzzles. 2/5
Simple, fun, but empty
It needs something else, the idea, the simplistic style, it fits, but at the same times feels empty, it is like pacman, simple, but fun, but it is not addictive, is missing something there, but I don't know what, as for the review, if you notice the map is great in some parts, but in others is terrible, try to change that and the map will be awesome, and by the way, there's a little problem with your map, with the rules actually, you can't put custom cheats in your map, it does not matter if it is a single-player map, sorry, you will have to remove that, but let me tell you, I hate that rule, specially for single player maps. And for the last, May I suggest that you finish all the levels and put them in a campaign? Final Score = 3/5
Level 2
Apr 18, 2009
I have 7 points to give this map 1/5.And they are:
1.It's too short
2.You used just 4-5 models
3.The music makes the map size HUGE
4.Find a gooder name than Player for the agent
5.If it's a RPG the agent should be a hero,with abilities (and other)
6.It would be funnier if you would put lesser creeps,but with more hitpoints
7.The map size is HUUUGE though is too short
Level 9
Feb 19, 2008
I converted the music files! The musics I posted here are 192kbps and 128 kpbs, but I used 64kbps musics in the game! The map is ~3000KB without music. But I won't use 64kbps > musics because they are very shitty. So, the map is 5.61 Mb, sorry.
@YeeShadow: Thank you for that review. And yes, after I finished them I'll put them into a campaign.
@Septimus: Septimus is right, forgot the map's file size.
@zared7: Thank you for that rating -.-
1. Map is short, because it is the series' first map. The next levels will be longer, OK?
2. Because the map IS TOO SHORT, AS YOU SAID, I DON'T NEED more than 5 models!
3. The two music files makes +2500 KB to the map, I know, but the fights without music are a great shit.
4. The player is the player: I don't gave him a name, because YOU are the player
5. It's not an RPG, it's a warcraftish shooter game, so the player doesn't need abilities. And because he doesn't need abilities, he is't a hero, btw he has the Hero Inventory ability.
6. Lesser creeps with more hit points? This game is the warcraftish remake of the PC game Painkiller, did you play with it? There are hundreds of monsters in each area. This map is good with a lot of monsters in it. More HP? You will die in the first area, if I give them more HP...
7. Map is short but it's big. That's becuase the triggers. I needed a week to make this map. Open up WE and look at it, there's a lot of triggers. So if I'll make a 94X94 map, it'll be bigger than this map! (I think it'll be 8000KB...) Nad there are other sound effects wich make the map's size bigger
And can you read?
Map Type: Arena, Shooting / FPS
It is not an RPG :S
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Level 9
Feb 19, 2008
This map is great. It remembers me the painkiller. the enemies are great, and i love the difficulty settings. And there are 2 secret places (i think, i find only 2) and a lot of souls. And the music was awesome.
Very creative game, i give it a 5/5
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
This map is great. It remembers me the painkiller. the enemies are great, and i love the difficulty settings. And there are 2 secret places (i think, i find only 2) and a lot of souls. And the music was awesome.
Very creative game, i give it a 5/5

Two secrets? I just found one... xD I'll have to play this map again.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Kill the Pain is a single player action/shooting game where you play as a former agent who has been trapped between heaven and hell and must complete a quest given to you by the archangel in order for you to go to heaven.

The terrain of the map was rather bad. As you were indoors it is understandable that there wasn't much height variation. Tile variation, however, was one of the things this map didn't really have, as most of the map was covered in the ugly blight tile. Using blight is one thing, but you should mix it more with some other tiles to make it look more varied. The map also lacked doodads, I only saw a few which made the map look very empty and boring.

The gameplay of the map was really simple, to simple, perhaps, making it rather boring. You had a ranged weapon which fired automatically if an enemy got near you and you had no abilities at all, so the only thing you really needed to do in the map was run around and picking up souls that restored your health. Things like grenades, multiple weapons, ammunition etc. would really improve the gameplay of this map.

There was some custom music that fit in quite well, and there wasn't really any sounds that didn't fit in.

There wasn't much text in the game, so I can't really say anything about spelling or grammar except that the presentation on the Hive doesn't seem to be written in that bad English at all.

Finally, the lasting value of the map. I can't say the map lasts for too long, 15-20 minutes or so which isn't that great at all. I can't say the replayability value of this map isn't much better, though. Since the map was kinda boring to play you don't feel like playing it again. Improving the gameplay would surely improve the replayability value, however.

To summarize, the terrain was rather bad and lacked tile variation and doodads which made the terrain look plain, boring and empty. The gameplay was rather boring because it was too simple and your "hero" had no abilities, spells or anything like that. The music, sounds, grammar and spelling wasn't really a problem in this map, since there weren't much of either of the four.

2/5 (Lacking) and voted for disapproval.
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Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
I have 7 points to give this map 1/5.And they are:
1.It's too short
2.You used just 4-5 models
3.The music makes the map size HUGE
4.Find a gooder name than Player for the agent
5.If it's a RPG the agent should be a hero,with abilities (and other)
6.It would be funnier if you would put lesser creeps,but with more hitpoints
7.The map size is HUUUGE though is too short

1. So what if it's too short? Not every map is supposed to last above an hour.
2. So? Imports don't necessarily guarantee a better map.
3. It's a single player map. Does it matter?
4. Gooder isn't a word and a name of an agent doesn't really determine the map quality, especially not so much so that it deserves a 1/5 just because of it.
5. It's not an RPG. What kind of a reason is this anyway?
6. Funnier? Didn't realize this is a comedy map. What kind of a reason is this to give a 1/5?
7. You just combined point 1 and 3 here. What the hell is wrong with you?

The Review

Well, it was a bit disappointing, especially considering your previous maps.

The terrain was pretty iffy. The blight is only good combined with other tiles, not as a stand alone tile. Might want to add more tile variation. Some minor height variation might be nice, but not too much as it won't fit the gameplay. Also you use very few doodads. While I know that terrain isn't a big issue in these types of maps it would be nice to have some eye candy. The current state of the map has no real theme. It's a below average generic graveyard. Try to add something more spicy and fresh maybe, or just improve the current theme.

The gameplay itself was somewhat alright. It was simple, which was good at the start, but it turned up to be just run and shoot later. You should add abilities, at least minor ones(off the top of my head: Sprint, Focus(where your movement and rate of fire are slowed while your damage is increased), maybe add a minor dodge and critical strike chance). Currently the game is balanced quite well and I like the difficulty options but there isn't much replay value in this. It's missing something to make the map more addicting. The map is short so you should(if you decide to modify the map) add another set of levels(possibly expand the map size and then add levels along the edges).

I liked the music and the way the sounds informed you if all the creeps are dead and when you enter a checkpoint. I also liked the fact that there were several secrets, but, once again, it would've been better if you expanded that area(secrets and puzzles) more.

All in all, the map is pretty simple, which adds to it's charm, but it's too simple which, in turn, causes the player to become bored quickly. The terrain was pretty bad and, as I mentioned, tile variation and more doodads would be nice. Abilities or puzzles and traps would also come in handy to increase the gameplay value.

Hope you update your map as it has potential to be something really fun. While the map isn't essentially bad it could be a lot better with a day or two more spent working on it. Your biggest issue would be the re-balancing I imagine, once you add more variety to the gameplay. However, some puzzles and traps could be added without too much time consumption. Hope this helps!

Now, as for the approval/rejection of this map, well, I'm never one for rejecting resources made by users who are active and have made a contribution to this site, as I know I can count on them to update their work if need be. The map is lacking at this current stage, but not so much so that it deserves a rejection. This is my opinion, however, which is why I would advise you to make swift updates. With several hours you can get this map from the state of 2/5 to 4/5. Basically, all you need is something to hook the player.
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