Kill Rank System

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Level 3
Jan 4, 2010
Hi, i am looking for RANK SYSTEM.
It should works like that:

I got 0 kills i am Private (Pvt <NAME>).
I got 100 kills i am Sergeant (Sgt <NAME>).
I got 500 kills i am Captain (Cpt <NAME>).

I need those ranks:
RANK NAME / In. game name before players name.
Private Pvt
Private First Class Pfc
Lance Corporal LCpl
Corporal Cpl
Sergeant Sgt
Master Segeant MSgt
Gnnery Sergeant GySgt
2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lt
1st Lieutenant 2st Lt
Captain Cpt
Major Maj
Colonel Col
General General
General of the Army GoA
Legendary Legendary

Can somebody make this for me? I have tried to use B_A_D rank system but that didnt work :/
Sorry for my fatal english :pcry:
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Yeah, sure: I already made something like this (just a bit more complicated).
But it already has everything you want: it changes the player's name, it has a full- and abbreviated name and it activates on amount of kills.
I'll remove some of the extra features you don't need and then upload it here, please hold on a moment.

Edit: changes done, map attached.

Type "-rank" to see your rank and how many kills before you reach the next rank.

If you ever want to access any of the data:
RankR[X] holds the rank (an integer) for Player X.
PlayerXP[X] holds the experience (amount of kills) for Player X.

With the same logic, RankTitle[RankR[X]] will show the title of Player X's rank (because RankR is the rank integer, and RankTitle[X] is the title for rank X).
More information in how to edit the system is in the map.


  • Military Ranks-edited.w3x
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Private First Class

Staff Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
Master Sergeant
First Sergeant
Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major of the Army

Warrant Officer 1
Chief Warrant Officer 2
Chief Warrant Officer 3
Chief Warrant Officer 4
Chief Warrant Officer 5

Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel

Brigadier General
Sergeant Major General
Lieutenant General
General of the Army*
General of the Armies**

* Special rank, wartime only, four in history.
** Special rank, two in history.

You cannot change a player's name twice in a game unless you want to have issues.
Set - Player Name (Pvt + (current player name)).
If you try to set it twice, for example, you'll get "Cpl Pvt Rispetto"
Level 3
Jan 4, 2010
ap0calypse, i have good and bad new's for you :/ :vw_wtf:
1) Good: It works, very nice! It was that what i needed! REP + :goblin_yeah:
2) Bad: I must add you to credits :D :thumbs_up:

I got 1 question, i am using on my map SAVE/LOAD system by ace hart. It will save and load EXP? :vw_wtf:
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I got 1 question, i am using on my map SAVE/LOAD system by ace hart. It will save and load EXP? :vw_wtf:

Acehart's system is 'a bit' outdated. I've used it about 3 years (if not longer) ago.

You know, originally my system had a save/load code, but I removed that :p
I used Triggerhappy's CodeGen, but nowadays it is recommended you use Nestharus'
The 'downside': you will have to use JNGP in order to use it (which is now pretty much standard as well :/).
Edit: there's also a I've just seen it, didn't check it yet, but seems it's made to make it easier for the users...

It might be hard at the tart, but once you know how it works, it's really easy.
Level 3
Jan 4, 2010
Hm... i little do not understand this Encodes :/
Can somebody do it for me? I will give Credits to this who will do it :/
I'm green in this all :/
I need to save only:
HERO (lvl, skills, wood, EXP from ap0calypse rank system) and that's all :/
I know i want too much but i need for this many hours and somebody can make it in 20 mins :/
Well, here are some questions

Are skills hero specific?
For level and exp, that has to do with actual hero leve right? not ap0calypse's ranking stuff?

I know i want too much but i need for this many hours and somebody can make it in 20 mins :/

Depending on the complexity and size of the catalogs as well as the complexity of the code, it could take as much as 48 hours of work. That's likely why nobody wants to help =P.

With hero specific skills, you are already looking at probably 45 minutes of work.
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