I got bored from making Haradrim guys all the time, so i decided to make a different LOTR model now. This hero is not shown in the movies of the Lord of the Rings, maybe he's going to be shown in ''The Hobbit'' soon, but he plaid a central role in the rise of the Witchking. Formerly, he was known as Captain Carthaen from the humans. He tried to defend the barrow dens when Morgomir, Black Numenoreans and Sorcerors from Angmar tried to corrupt them, but he lost and Morgomir stabded him in the end with a Morgul Blade, hence he became the vengefull, whispering wraith of Angmar. After this, he became the leader of the Barrow Wights and a terrifying servant of the Witchking. In the game Battle for Middle Earth II: Rise of the Witchking, he's one of Angmar's heroes.
I hope you like this model as much as my Haradrim collection! Have fun with it and feel free to use it in any thinkable way!
Karsh, evil spirit, wraith, ghost assassin, undead, former Captain Carthaen, Angmar, Whisprting Wraith of Angmar, hero, Witchking minion, LOTR, Lord o