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Just some Lore Quizzes

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Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
All correct. Now the next race the elementals.

1. Who was the daughter of Therazene that got slaughtered in Maurudon?
2. Who kidnapped Neptulon during the events of the Cataclysm?
3. Which two elemental lords alligned themselves with Deathwing during the events of the cataclysm?

1.Princess Theradras
2.Lady Naz'jar helped by Ozumat
3.Al'Akir and Ragnaros
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I hope it's a happy surprise and yes you were correct on the elemental lords. Please use edit in the future instead of double posting. ;)
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
To elebrate the 100th post I though we might have some fun so I decided to make an official 100 question post, this ought to keep you occupied for a while. :D

1. What Old God foretold about the coming of Deathwing?
2. How many consorts haz Alexstrasza had through her lifespan?
3. What famous high elf were introduced in the first page of the WarCraft comic?
4. What's the name of the giant turtle ancient guardian?
5. Who is the leader of the Frenzyheart tribe?
6. Who was the red dragon who tricked Deathwing and managed to save Wrathions egg?
7. What were the names of the first paladins of the alliance?
8. What was the names of Kinndy Sparkshine's parents?
9. What's Kil'Jaiden's current location?
10. Who was the prime consort of Malygos prior to the war of the ancients?
11. Which consort of Malygos is still alive?
12. Why were the gnomes not fighting the burning legion during the third war?
13. In Pandaria there are 4 celecstials each of them representing diffrent virtues, who is the spirit of fortitude, who is the spirit of wisdom, who is the spirit of strength and who is the spirit of hope?
14. Who is the loa rhino that can be found in Northrend?
15. What sha was emperor Shaohao unable to overcome?
16. Who was the first mogu emperor?
17. Who was the anubisath that threw his sword at Grakkarond crippling him?
18. Who imprisoned Leviroth?
19. "Have you had the dream again? A black goat with seven eyes that watches from the outside." Who is this statement reffering to?
20. Why did Velen and his people have to leave Draenor?
21. How many Valkyrs are still alive?
22. What's the names of the four Old Gods we know of at this moment?
23. What's the name of Anduin Wrynn's mother and how did she die?
24. Which two persons opened the Dark Portal between Azeroth and Draenor that ended up starting the first war?
25. Who was the grandfather of king Llane Wrynn I?
26. What is a mur'ghoul?
27. What demonic race serves as the main engineers for the Burning Legion?
28. What is the name of the home planet of the Ethereals?
29. Who is the titan who rules over the skies and the oceans?
30. What Old God does the mantid serve?
31. From what race did the Troggs originate?
32. What human battled and defeated the avatar of Sargeras?
33. Who is Rexxar's father?
34. How many paragons does the mantid have?
35. Who is the fallen nerubian king who served the Lich King?
36. What is the name of Quel'Delar's sibling?
37. Who leads the high elves in Allerian Stronghold?
38. Why did Malorne agree to become Elune's consort?
39. Who did Ysera adopt as her son?
40. Who was Tarys?
41. Who conquered K'aresh?
42. What does Fanlin'Deskor mean?
43. Who wrote The Prophecy of C'Thun?
44. Who was made regent-lord of Stormwind when King Varian was kidnapped?
45. Who was the chieften of the Warsong Clan prior to the death of Mannoroth?
46. What mortal mage to we hear that Deathwing fears in the novel Day of the Dragon?
47. What did the mogu call the time period when the warlords fought each other for controll over the mogu race?
48. What Pandaren did Rexxar meet during the founding of Durotar?
49. Which of Vol'Jin's former best friend ended up betraying the Darkspear Tribe and took controll of the Echo Isles?
50. Who made Xarantaur immortal and why?
51. Who was the apprentice of Medivh who now sits on the council of six?
52. What's the name of Arthas and Calia Menethill's mother?
53. What demon managed to posses Valeera Sanguinar?
54. What was Meryl Felstorm's name before he was turned into an undead?
55. What murloc subrace can be found in Vashj'ir?
56. What ancient guardian was known as the mistress of G'Hanir?
57. What arakkoa claimed that he was Terokk reborn?
58. Who created the Saurok?
59. What's the name of the current world tree atop of Mount Hyjal?
60. From which planet does the dreadsteeds come from?
61. Who told Xuen not to let the outsiders into the Vale of Eternal Blossom?
62. Yu'lon had not planned to live on today, what changed so that she had to survive?
63. Who is the leader of the Riverpaw tribe?
64. Who helps you take down general Nazgrim in the siege of Orgrimmar?
65. Who was the former Nexus-King of K'aresh?
66. Which two Dark Ancients were summoned by the Twilights Hammer before they were stopped?
67. What does the trolls call the ancients and the wisps?
68. What emotions does the sha manifest from?
69. Who was the main consort of Ysera?
70. Who was the original wielder of Val'anyr?
71. Who did the Iron Dwarves serve?
72. Veranus was a proto-drake of which colour?
73. Who was the mother of Wrathion?
74. What is the name of Go'el's son?
75. Varok Saurfang is a member of what orchish clan?
76. Gnolls has evolved from which ancient?
77. What island on Azeroth is famous for its bannanas?
78. Who raised the tomb of Sargeras from the bottom of the ocean?
79. Who killed the Death Knight Ragnok Bloodreaver?
80. What was the name of the twilight drake created by Sintharia?
81. Who was the father of Trag Highmountain?
82. What is the name of the frost wyrm found wounded in the Icecrown Citadel by Orkus?
83. How did Zul'Jin loose his arm?
84. What gnome was found imprisoned in the Arcatraz?
85. Where in Azeroth can you find King Mukla?
86. Ny'alotha appears to be in the Emerald Nightmare but where is it hinted that it originats from on Azeroth?
87. Who was the teacher of the Nerubian Ixit?
88. The Nerubians were immune to one of Ner'zhul's most powerfull wepons, which one?
89. Who is the mate of Neltharaku?
90. Nekros Skullcrusher was the second to which leader of the Dragonmaw Clan?
91. How many times has Sylvanas died?
92. How did Tarecgosa survived the destruction of her body?
93. Who created the Qiraji?
94. What's the name of the 4 elemental lords of Azeroth?
95. How did Princess Theradras die?
96. Who was last seen capturing Koltira Deathweaver?
97. Who was the mate of Durotan?
98. Who did the Aspects name father of Dragons?
99. Who served as the right hand of Ragnaros during the Old Gods war against the Titans?
100. Who was the original wielder of Thunderfurry, blessed blade of the Wind-Seeker?

I believe the words you're looking for is holy actual f***ing sh!t. This should keep you entertained for a while. :D (I can't wait untill the 1 000 th post.)

22.N'Zoth, Y'Shaarj, C'Thun, Yogg-Saron.
26.Undead Murloc
48.Me(In Pandaren Disguise)

I can still answer those, but I'll rest for a while here.
Last edited:
Level 18
Aug 22, 2013
9.The Twisting Nether
13.Already tell u the answer
21.7 when they join Sylvanas
26.Undead Murloc
27.Ganarg and Moargs
48.Chen Stoumstout
71.Ragnaros now Alliance
78.Guldan and his Shadow Council
83.Cut by a Quel'Dorei High Elf
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
9.The Twisting Nether
13.Already tell u the answer
21.7 when they join Sylvanas
26.Undead Murloc
27.Ganarg and Moargs
48.Chen Stoumstout
71.Ragnaros now Alliance
78.Guldan and his Shadow Council
83.Cut by a Quel'Dorei High Elf

9. Correct.
10. Correct
13. I don't think you ever told me their names you just told me which animals they were.
21. That does not answer how many is still alive.
26. This one has already been answered but it's correct?
27. Correct.
33. This one has also already been answered.
39. Correct.
48. Has also already been answered.
58. Correct.
59. Correct.
71. Wrong.
78. Correct.
83. Correct.
91. Correct.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
If you know the answers to any of the other questions please answer them, you don't need to sit around and do nothing. Or if you do not know you can tell me so and I will post all the correct answers.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Really? I thought he cut his own arm to escape the elves.

Now I find myself ashamed since I really knew that and in my haste must have gotten it mixed up with the eye for some unknown reason.

Anyhow since a big task isn't your cup off tea so lets do something to honor halloween. So here's a few questions about everyones favorite halloween character, the headless horseman.

1. What was the headless horseman know as before he earned his new name the Headless Horseman?
2. Why did the Headless Horseman slay his family?
3. Who ressurected the Headless Horseman after had gotten his head cut off?
Level 12
Jan 20, 2011
Now I find myself ashamed since I really knew that and in my haste must have gotten it mixed up with the eye for some unknown reason.

Anyhow since a big task isn't your cup off tea so lets do something to honor halloween. So here's a few questions about everyones favorite halloween character, the headless horseman.

1. What was the headless horseman know as before he earned his new name the Headless Horseman?
2. Why did the Headless Horseman slay his family?
3. Who ressurected the Headless Horseman after had gotten his head cut off?
1. The Horseman with a head. loljk. He's real name is even less original, Thomas Thomson.
2. He became a scarlet crusade fanatic and killed em before noticing it was them.
3. Muh nigga Balnazzar.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
1. The Horseman with a head. loljk. He's real name is even less original, Thomas Thomson.
2. He became a scarlet crusade fanatic and killed em before noticing it was them.
3. Muh nigga Balnazzar.

Number two might have been a little less specific than I would have liked too but yes, all of them are correct.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well there is a user by the name of Anachron who has made his comment there but he's not an aspect yet so that could not be the answer, another dragon who's there's the judge Bowser but he has nothing with WarCraft to do so my guess will have to be Anachronus.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well you were talking about adding a Karazan map and in Karazan you meet a dragon who has been sent by Malygos to investigate Medivh so I'm going to guess on my personal favorite Malygos.
Level 6
Sep 13, 2013
you can easily find the answers in wow wiki, and then copy paste them here for rep, that makes no sense.
also I don't know what's the use of these reputation globes, are they ranks ? and showing the knowledge of the user ?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Why would you even look at wowwiki? 99% of their content they've just copy pasted from wowpedia and much of their content is out of date.

1. What Old God foretold about the coming of Deathwing?
2. How many consorts haz Alexstrasza had through her lifespan?
3. What famous high elf were introduced in the first page of the WarCraft comic?
4. What's the name of the giant turtle ancient guardian?
5. Who is the leader of the Frenzyheart tribe?
6. Who was the red dragon who tricked Deathwing and managed to save Wrathions egg?
7. What were the names of the first paladins of the alliance?
8. What was the names of Kinndy Sparkshine's parents?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Alright lets see what you know about Warlords of Draenor now then that it has just been revealed.

1. During BlizzCon 2013 how old did Chris Metzen state that Grommash would be compared to Thrall?
2. Who's the leader of the Bleeding Hollow Clan?
3. What wass the island today known as Netherstorm called before the destruction of Draenor?
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Alright lets see what you know about Warlords of Draenor now then that it has just been revealed.

1. During BlizzCon 2013 how old did Chris Metzen state that Grommash would be compared to Thrall?
2. Who's the leader of the Bleeding Hollow Clan?
3. What wass the island today known as Netherstorm called before the destruction of Draenor?

2.Kilrogg Deadeye
3.Fields of Farahlon
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