Jungle Trolls Reborn

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Level 1
Nov 20, 2016
Hello :D, i'm new in this and i dont understand nothing , i've registered my self cause i wanted to play some JTR and i like to now where i can find a server or a section dedicated to it :) Thanks to all, i expect you can answer.
Level 2
Jan 11, 2013
Hello :D, i'm new in this and i dont understand nothing , i've registered my self cause i wanted to play some JTR and i like to now where i can find a server or a section dedicated to it :) Thanks to all, i expect you can answer.

There is still a hardcore several years old clan called Sunny_Trolls playing jungle trolls reborn daily, atm there are like 5-10 consistent players, but it's a bit hard to get in touch with them, i am a member too though. The clan is situated on Garena, which no longers lets u play wc3 but it has a very good clan system and messenger, so you would need to install garena, make account, join clan, and then play games through eurobattle or original battlenet. It sounds like a lot of work but when u get it going you will play with the best JTR players in the world xD even the guy who made the map is in the clan. Hope i'm not too late with this answer, btw clan ID is 24743 if u ever decide to install Garena
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