1) Description - Description at this site was ok, even though it could be better.
2) Terrain - It was lacking and have a few wrong selection. You use blight for a village terrain? That isn't the wise choice for village terrain.
To top up with, all your cinematic scene could clearly seen the edge of the map. Avoid making the terrain at the edge of the map.
3) Camera - Camera movement was poor and 80% of the time it stay frozen whenever there is a conversation, this make the entire cinematic dull and boring.
The camera where the witch unleash a destruction upon the ship and zoom in to Elyvia was the worst part of the camera movement.
4) Music - The music stop and there is no any other music been play after the end of introduction till the crediting scene.
5) Sound & Sound Effect - At some scenario, it lack of proper sound effect. When it rain, there is no sound of rain at all.
6) Fog - You did not use a single fog, this make the edge of the map clearly visible.
7) Scripting/Triggering - Trigger isn't too efficient, it lack of some cinematic setup and contain a few flaw that cause the camera movement to be negative. The same goes to fade filter and fog effect.
It seems like the fade filter was seen to fade out and fade in before it switch camera. You should have it completely fade out, switch camera and fade in. Not fade out and fade in before the camera view was change.
Also, avoid having the camera switch before the entire cinematic has fade out.
8) Replayability - The replayability values almost none. The camera often froze or switch suddenly, have bad angle and static movement.
95% of the time was just a conversation without anything interesting. I was wondering why there is a marine inside this cinematic as well.
Just take a look at this 2 error.
Set wrong size or file size for the image.
As for this image below, it was a clear sign of the edge of the map is visible.
From the quality of the work, this resources is 2/5 (Lacking) from user standard and 1/5 (Unacceptable) from staff standard.