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JNG W3E 16 tilesets

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Level 14
Aug 23, 2013
b. Up to 16 Tilesets
Another Priority of the JassNewGen WE is, that you can use up to 16 Tilesets in one Map., while the normal WE allows you only up to 13 Tileset Spaces (not tilesets). You can use up to 16, no matter if the Tileset uses 1 or 2 spaces. Just go to Extensions>Edit Tileset. There you'l find a wide menu. Choose what you need by clicking on the tilesets you need and remove by clicking the selected ones.

Note: You must have saved the map at least once to open the menu.
Note: Be careful though. You can add Cliff Tiles, but you CANNOT remove them. If you need cliff tiles, go to Advanced>Modify Tileset and after all Tilesets there are "Cliff Base Tiles" - add them from there.

After you've finished with your choices, click "Ok". DO NOT save after that, it will save for you automatically. Then don't do anything and rerun the JassNewGen WE. And so here you have up to 16 Tilesets. You can arrange them way you want from Advanced>Modify Tileset with "Turn Left" and "Turn Right". You can also find more useful priorities in the Extensions Menu, such as change the tileset pathing and other.
Also, you can download the JassNewGen WorldEditor here.

I try this many time but it's not working...
Level 6
May 20, 2014
Pick the tiles you want, then LET the WE save itself (it will say JassHelper saving something), then close the map. Then open the map and the new tiles will appear.

Don't save the map after setting the tiles. This is important.

If that's not working, be clear what you did with it, etc.
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