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Hopefully I have gotten better at legit coding since the last time I posted something. I'm actually writing this with some serious seriousness ^)^.
I am using the standard Java things as well as Guava from Google.
I haven't documented some of the last additions to the code yet, so forgive me for that.
Now yes, I know that an immutable class should be final, but this is a better API.
I actually tried to code some of this pretty efficiently as well. I originally had some simpler code for building the map. I'd first flatten everything, which made the stuff easier to work with. However, that had quite a bit more overhead, so I made the single monstrous method instead >.<.
I plan on using this class (and many others) in a symbol table resources for general compilers coded in Java ; D. Right now I'm recoding quite a bit of the symbol table to be better and use more Java things. Originally, a Symbol Privilege could only be a composite of one derived type. It also relied on reflection to instantiate that derived type in unions/intersections. Another class called SymbolPrivilegeSet handled a variety of symbol privilege types, but it required a very rigid skeleton because it used a linked. The privilege types had to be the same on everything and they had to be in the same order. Not only that, but I had repeated classes (SymbolPrivilegeRegional, SymbolPrivilegeSetRegional). I think this is quite a bit better.
And here is a custom privilege to show how easy the thing above is to work with ;D.
I am using the standard Java things as well as Guava from Google.
I haven't documented some of the last additions to the code yet, so forgive me for that.
Now yes, I know that an immutable class should be final, but this is a better API.
I actually tried to code some of this pretty efficiently as well. I originally had some simpler code for building the map. I'd first flatten everything, which made the stuff easier to work with. However, that had quite a bit more overhead, so I made the single monstrous method instead >.<.
I plan on using this class (and many others) in a symbol table resources for general compilers coded in Java ; D. Right now I'm recoding quite a bit of the symbol table to be better and use more Java things. Originally, a Symbol Privilege could only be a composite of one derived type. It also relied on reflection to instantiate that derived type in unions/intersections. Another class called SymbolPrivilegeSet handled a variety of symbol privilege types, but it required a very rigid skeleton because it used a linked. The privilege types had to be the same on everything and they had to be in the same order. Not only that, but I had repeated classes (SymbolPrivilegeRegional, SymbolPrivilegeSetRegional). I think this is quite a bit better.
package symboltable;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
* public class SymbolPrivilege implements Collection<SymbolPrivilege>
* Constructors
* - public SymbolPrivilege()
* - public SymbolPrivilege(ImmutableMap<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege>> map)
* - public static SymbolPrivilege createEmpty()
* Methods
* - protected boolean acceptsMask(ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege> requiredMask, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege> providedMask)
* - public static SymbolPrivilege intersect(Collection<? extends Collection<?>>... collections)
* - public static SymbolPrivilege union(Collection<? extends Collection<?>>... collections)
* - public boolean accepts(SymbolPrivilege providedPrivileges)
* - public static boolean isSymbolPrivilege(Object sybmolPrivilege)
* Basic Methods
* - public boolean contains(Object object)
* - public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> collection)
* - public boolean equals(Object symbolPrivilege)
* - public boolean isEmpty()
* - public int size()
* - public Iterator<SymbolPrivilege> iterator()
* - public Object[] toArray()
* - public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a)
* A symbol privilege grants rights to access another symbol privilege. These rights are stored as
* a set of flags. Accessing a symbol privilege requires the flags of that symbol privilege. The flags
* provided are from the accessing symbol privilege.
* <p>
* A symbol privilege can intersect and union with collections. However, terminal nodes of these
* collections must be symbol privileges.
* <p>
* A symbol privilege can be used for things like access modifiers or requirements
* to go down a link in a virtual network. The default implementation dictates are
* that all requirements are met if the required set of flags are a subset of the
* provided set of flags.
public class SymbolPrivilege implements Set<SymbolPrivilege>
* A map from this point on is a Map containing sets, which in turn contain privileges.
* A mask from this point on is a Set containing privileges.
* The map organizes the privileges by class. Without this organization, privileges
* would not be able to interact with each other without having both the same types
* of privileges and the same order.
private final ImmutableMap<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege>> map;
* This constructor is used when defining a new privilege.
* This new privilege is used in composite privileges.
public SymbolPrivilege()
map = ImmutableMap.of(getClass(), ImmutableSet.of(this));
} // SymbolPrivilege
* This constructor is used by composite privileges.
* @param mask the union/intersection of flags from several privileges
public SymbolPrivilege(ImmutableMap<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege>> map)
this.map = map;
} // SymbolPrivilege
* This is used to create an empty symbol privilege. It can be useful for
* things that don't actually require any privileges.
* @return empty privilege
public static SymbolPrivilege createEmpty()
return new SymbolPrivilege(ImmutableMap.of());
} // createEmpty
* This should be implemented by derived classes. This default implementation determines whether the provided
* privileges are accepted by the required privileges or not.
* @param requiredMask privileges required for success
* @param providedMask privileges provided
* @return provided privileges were accepted
protected boolean acceptsMask(ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege> requiredMask, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege> providedMask)
// the base privilege requires that provided privileges has all required
// privileges
return providedMask.containsAll(requiredMask);
} // acceptsMask
* This method is here because arguments to generic functions must be exact.
* A HashMap<Set> is different from a HashMap<ImmutableSet>.
* @param map mask to add to
* @param mapToAdd mask to add
private static <T extends Set<SymbolPrivilege>> void addMap(Map<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>> map,
Map<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, T> mapToAdd)
// union the two masks together
for (Entry<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, T> entry : mapToAdd.entrySet())
if (!map.containsKey(entry.getKey()))
map.put(entry.getKey(), new HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>());
} // if
} // for
} // addMap
* This method is here because arguments to generic functions must be exact.
* A HashMap<Set> is different from a HashMap<ImmutableSet>.
* @param map mask to intersect
* @param mapToAdd mask to retain values of
private static <T extends Set<SymbolPrivilege>> void retainMap(Map<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>> map,
Map<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, T> mapToAdd)
// intersect types
for (Entry<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>> entry : map.entrySet())
if (!mapToAdd.containsKey(entry.getKey()))
} // if
} // for
// intersect masks
for (Entry<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, T> entry : mapToAdd.entrySet())
if (map.containsKey(entry.getKey()))
} // if
} // for
} // retainMap
* Builds a map from a collection of privileges. The collection
* may be of other collections as well.
* @param collections collections, privileges, etc
* @return map of all privileges
private static Map<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>> buildMap(Collection<? extends Collection<?>>... collections)
// this is the composite mask of all passed in privileges
HashMap<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>> map =
new HashMap<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>>();
for (Collection<? extends Collection<?>> collection : collections)
// treat null privileges as the empty set
if (collection != null)
if (isSymbolPrivilege(collection))
// if the privilege is a symbol privilege, add the
// privilege's mask to the mask being built
addMap(map, ((SymbolPrivilege) collection).map);
} // if
// if the privilege is a collection, then build a mask from
// it
addMap(map, buildMap((Collection<? extends Collection<?>>[]) collection.toArray()));
} // else
} // if
} // for
return map;
} // buildMap
* This compiles a map into a SymbolPrivilege. Each set is first converted into an immutable
* set. After this, the map is converted into an immutable map.
* @param map map to compile
* @return privilege with map
private static SymbolPrivilege compileMap(Map<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>> map)
// have to create a new map to specifically hold ImmutableSet
Map<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege>> transitionMap =
new HashMap<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege>>();
// add the old map to the new map, converting Set to ImmutableSet
for (Map.Entry<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>> entry : map.entrySet())
// if the mask isn't required, there is no point in
// evaluating the mask
if (!entry.getValue().isEmpty())
transitionMap.put(entry.getKey(), ImmutableSet.copyOf(entry.getValue()));
} // if
} // for
return new SymbolPrivilege(ImmutableMap.copyOf(transitionMap));
} // compileMap
* This determines if a map is empty. Requires a special check because
* a map is empty if either the HashMap itself is empty or the sets it
* contains are empty.
* @param map map to check for emptiness
* @return is the map empty?
private static <T extends Set<SymbolPrivilege>> boolean isMapEmpty(Map<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, T> map)
for (T mask : map.values())
if (!mask.isEmpty())
return false;
} // if
} // for
return true;
} // isMapEmpty
* This is used to directly intersect a set of collections together into a map. A HashSet
* is used rather than an ImmutableSet because it is more efficient than recreating
* the structure over and over again. This HashSet is the map of the intersection.
* <p>
* A map is returned instead of a privilege because the method is recursive and
* adds the returned value to itself.
* @param symbolPrivileges set of collections of privileges to intersect
* @return map of privilege
private static Map<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>> intersectToMap( Collection<? extends Collection<?>>... collections)
Map<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, HashSet<SymbolPrivilege>> map = buildMap(collections);
// intersect with each individual privilege
for (Collection<? extends Collection<?>> collection : collections)
// if the map is already empty, there is no point in continuing
// an intersection with the empty set is still the empty set
if (isMapEmpty(map))
} // if
if (collection == null)
// if the privilege is null, treat it as the empty set
} // if
else if (isSymbolPrivilege(collection))
// only retain privileges contained in the privilege
retainMap(map, ((SymbolPrivilege) collection).map);
} // else
retainMap(map, intersectToMap((Collection<? extends Collection<?>>[]) collection.toArray()));
} // else
} // for
return map;
} // intersectToMap
* This returns a composite SymbolPrivilege from the intersection of composite SymbolPrivileges
* passed in. If a non-composite SymbolPrivilege is passed in, it will return a composite containing
* only that one privilege.
* @param collections collections of symbol privileges
* @return intersection of the passed in privileges
public static SymbolPrivilege intersect(Collection<? extends Collection<?>>... collections)
return compileMap(intersectToMap(collections));
} // intersect
* This returns a composite SymbolPrivilege from the union of SymbolPrivileges passed in.
* @param collections collections of symbol privileges
* @return union of the passed in privileges
public static SymbolPrivilege union(Collection<? extends Collection<?>>... collections)
return compileMap(buildMap(collections));
} // union
* Checks to see if an object is an instance of SymbolPrivilege.
* @param an Object that may be a SymbolPrivilege
* @return is the object a SymbolPrivilege?
public static boolean isSymbolPrivilege(Object sybmolPrivilege)
return SymbolPrivilege.class.isAssignableFrom(sybmolPrivilege.getClass());
} // isSymbolPrivilege
* This will return true if the provided privileges are accepted by this
* privilege.
* @param this required privileges
* @param providedPrivileges provided privileges
* @return provided privileges accepted?
public boolean accepts(SymbolPrivilege providedPrivileges)
ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege> providedMask;
// all masks must be accepted
for (Map.Entry<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege>> entry : this.map.entrySet())
// retrieve the provided mask, which may not exist
if (providedPrivileges.map.containsKey(entry.getKey()))
providedMask = providedPrivileges.map.get(entry.getKey());
} // if
providedMask = ImmutableSet.of();
} // else
// in compileMap, empty masks are not included in the final map
// as such, this will always be safe
// furthermore, if no privileges are required, then the provided
// privileges should always be accepted
// "this" isn't used because "this" isn't a derived class
if (!entry.getValue().iterator().next().acceptsMask(entry.getValue(), providedMask))
// only exit if not accepted, otherwise keep going
return false;
} // if
} // for
// if all masks were accepted, then the privileges are accepted
return true;
} // accepts
* This will return true if the map contains the object. This
* will only true if the object is a derived type of SymbolPrivilege.
* @param object the unknown object
* @return contains object?
public boolean contains(Object object)
// object is a privilege
// map contains the object's type
// mask contains the object
return isSymbolPrivilege(object) && map.containsKey(object.getClass()) && map.get(object.getClass()).contains(object);
} // contains
* This will return true if all of the elements of the collection are contained.
* @param c some Collection (symbol privilege or otherwise)
* @return does this privilege contain all elements?
public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> collection)
// the collection has objects in it, but the types of objects are
// unknown
for (Object object : collection)
// a privilege is also a collection
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass()))
if (isSymbolPrivilege(object))
// this will take each element of the object and then make
// sure that this map contains it and every element it has
// if the map doesn't contain it, return false
for (Map.Entry<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege>> entry : ((SymbolPrivilege) object).map.entrySet())
if (!map.containsKey(entry.getKey()) || !map.get(entry.getKey()).containsAll(entry.getValue()))
return false;
} // if
} // for
} // if
// this will occur when the object is a collection, and in
// that case, call the method on it again
if (!containsAll(((Collection<?>) object)))
return false;
} // if
} // else
} // if
// if the object was not a collection, then
return false;
} // else
} // for
return true;
} // containsAll
* This will return true if the passed in object is an instance of SymbolPrivilege
* and the two compared SymbolPrivileges contain each other.
* @return do the symbol privileges contain each other?
public boolean equals(Object symbolPrivilege)
return isSymbolPrivilege(symbolPrivilege) && this.containsAll((SymbolPrivilege) symbolPrivilege)
&& ((SymbolPrivilege) symbolPrivilege).containsAll(this);
} // equals
* This determines whether the symbol privilege mask is empty or not.
* @return does the symbol privilege contain any flags
public boolean isEmpty()
return isMapEmpty(map);
} // isEmpty
public static class PrivilegeIterator implements Iterator<SymbolPrivilege>
private Iterator<ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege>> maskIterator;
private Iterator<SymbolPrivilege> privilegeIterator;
public PrivilegeIterator(SymbolPrivilege privilege)
maskIterator = privilege.map.values().iterator();
privilegeIterator = maskIterator.next().iterator();
} // PrivilegeIterator
private void nextMask()
while (!privilegeIterator.hasNext() && maskIterator.hasNext())
privilegeIterator = maskIterator.next().iterator();
} // if
} // nextMask
public boolean hasNext()
return maskIterator.hasNext() || privilegeIterator.hasNext();
} // hasNext
public SymbolPrivilege next()
return privilegeIterator.next();
} // next
public void remove()
} // remove
} // PrivilegeIterator
* How many flags the mask contains.
* @return flag count
public int size()
int length = 0;
for (ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege> mask : map.values())
length += mask.size();
} // for
return length;
} // size
* This will return an iterator to loop over the mask.
* @return iterator from mask
public Iterator<SymbolPrivilege> iterator()
return new PrivilegeIterator(this);
} // iterator
private static ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege> flattenMap(ImmutableMap<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege>> map)
ImmutableSet.Builder<SymbolPrivilege> builder = new ImmutableSet.Builder<SymbolPrivilege>();
for (ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege> entry : map.values())
} // for
return builder.build();
} // flattenMap
* This will return the elements of the mask in an array.
* @return array containing elements of mask
public Object[] toArray()
return flattenMap(map).toArray();
} // toArray
* This will return the elements of the mask in an array.
* @return array containing elements of mask
public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a)
return flattenMap(map).toArray(a);
} // toArray
* This method will not do anything and always return false because privileges are
* immutable.
public boolean add(SymbolPrivilege e)
return false;
} // add
* This method will not do anything and always return false because privileges are
* immutable.
public boolean remove(Object o)
return false;
} // remove
* This method will not do anything and always return false because privileges are
* immutable.
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends SymbolPrivilege> c)
return false;
} // addAll
* This method will not do anything and always return false because privileges are
* immutable.
public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c)
return false;
} // removeAll
* This method will not do anything and always return false because privileges are
* immutable.
public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c)
return false;
} // retainAll
* This method will not do anything because privileges are immutable.
public void clear()
} // clear
} // SymbolPrivilege
And here is a custom privilege to show how easy the thing above is to work with ;D.
package symboltable;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
* public class SymbolPrivilegeRegional extends SymbolPrivilege
* Constructors
* - public SymbolPrivilegeRegional()
* - public SymbolPrivilegeRegional(HashSet<SymbolPrivilege> mask)
* Regional privileges deal with movement between groups of
* symbols. Symbols can be grouped in any way, but the most
* common grouping method is by file. C# provides the access
* modifier internal to limit access to a symbol by file.
* <p>
* In this case, the provided privileges are the region of the
* accessing symbol and the required privileges are the region of
* the accessed symbol.
* <p>
* If the accessed symbol is not contained within a region, that is
* the required privileges are empty, then the accessed symbol can
* always be accessed.
* <p>
* If the access symbol is contained within a region, then it
* can only be accessed if the accessing symbol shares some
* region with the accessed symbol: the intersection
* between the two sets of regions is not empty.
public class SymbolPrivilegeRegional extends SymbolPrivilege
* Used when defining a new privilege.
public SymbolPrivilegeRegional()
} // SymbolPrivilegeRegional
* Used when defining composite privileges.
public SymbolPrivilegeRegional(ImmutableMap<Class<? extends SymbolPrivilege>, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege>> map)
} // SymbolPrivilegeRegional
* Returns true if all of the elements of the destination
* are contained
* @param this provided privileges
* @param requiredPrivileges required privileges
* @return provided privileges accepted?
protected boolean acceptsMask(ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege> requiredMask, ImmutableSet<SymbolPrivilege> providedMask)
return requiredMask.isEmpty() || !Sets.intersection(requiredMask, providedMask).isEmpty();
} // acceptsMask
} // SymbolPrivilegeRegional