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Jass Shop Pro v

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This tool originates from here

1. Syntax highlight:
keywords, types, functions, operators, strings, values, global variables/constants...
You can set custom highlight of your own with config.exe:
Color, Bold, Italic;
Including files: common.j, blizzard.j, common.ai and your jass file.

2. Intelligently change case.
for example: type " " or "(" after word "location", you will get "location " or "Location(".

3. Advanced function/type/globals quickly search.
Press Space to remember the word you typed.
Can hide the panel of Quickly Search.
Can get the functions and globals of a editing file.
Click an item in the quickly search list will get its code in editor Preview, and you can lock the preview text, Preview Editor can be resized.
Search from beginning; Case sensitive; Type(functions return type, the type of global variables/constants).

4. Multi-Document Interface. Remember form size, position and most of options.
Ctrl + F4 to close a file.
Ctrl + TAB to switch.

5. Powerful function search in editing file.
Can Find, Replace, Replace All;
Case sensitive, Whole words only;
Direction - Forward or Backward;
Scope - Global or Selected Text;
Origin - From sursor of Entire scope.

6. Bookmark: each of opened files has 10 bookmarks.

7. Powerful template:
To see Default.tmt, u can set shortcuts of your own.
if - elseif - else - endif
loop - exitwhen - endloop
function - endfunction
Custom templates...

8. Syntax Check with pjass.exe.
Selection of using files.
Get result in a list, you can double click a item in the list to go to the line.

9. Advanced indent text:
You can set indent width(when you press Tab, you will get how much spaces.)
Format/Increase Indent/Remove Indent selected or all text.

10. Copy code to/from Trigger Editor immediately.

11. UTF-8 <-> ASC.

12. Command parameter:
You can register file type in the Register of Windows type with config.exe.
If a Jass Shop Pro is already running, double click a file of registered types will open the file in the running program.

13. Dropping files:
When you droped a file into the editor, you can make a choice of insert and open it.

14. Can use language pack.

15. Code structure
A structure list to show all globals, functions and triggers of editing file.
Globals : Red - constant, green - variables
Functions : Red - constant, green - normal
Triggers : Red - non-local trigger with some problems, Green - normal
- Conditions : [?] can not find that condition, [>] normal
- Actions(the same icons with functions): Red - can not find, Green - normal
Left-click to get its code, right-click to go to, double-click to insert.

16. Open/Save maps' script immediately.
Auto check file type, and get war3map.j(> scripts\war3map.j) of a W3M/W3X file. And anycode can be saved to war3map.j of a map file.
Can use Ctrl+F9 to test map.

17. Insert Color
Select a color and get its jass string

18. Auto-code-completion and parameter-hint
To write "set ", you will get a list full of globals and locals.
Type "call " will show functions before cursor of editing file.
When you enter a function name and press "(", it will show a hint of parameters(or press F1).

19. F2 or Ctrl+Click
If the clicked word is a function or globals with wrong case, it will be change to right.
If its spelling case is already right and it's one of globals of functions of editing file, will go to that line of its code.

20. API code view
Double-click a word in editor.
Click an item of Quickly Search List.
Click an item of Globals List.

21. Simpleness compress code.
To remove comments, use shorter globals/functions' name, remove useless returns and indents

22. Custom shortcuts
You can set custom hotkeys of menus by youself with Shortcut Manager.

23. Plug-in
Maybe some plugins will come soon? Or, it means, you can make plugin of your own.

Jass Shop Pro v (Binary)

Level 2
Apr 14, 2004
Is there a tutorial for this program anywhere? I'd really like to learn how to use it. Hmm maybe there's a help file int he program itself like in most of these...
Level 12
Apr 29, 2005
Aaaah! Finnaly the ultimate JASS script program that replaces the JASS Editor since this has a working syntax check. And it can have several scripts open at one time! It's the only functions I discovered yet and I already love it!! An exellent work!!! :D :p

Indeed there should be some sort of help file or tutorial with the program.
Level 2
Aug 10, 2005
lol, I just edited ZTD Survivor and got my code, opened Tag Your It, and got the code for 100 RP, and am about to work on LOAP :twisted:. I might acually make a map with it to! (jp, I am already working on a map). This tool OWNES!
Level 2
Aug 10, 2005
A few things I would love for you to add:

1): Folding. Make it so you can fold all blocks, that would be really great, and helpfull.

2): I don't know if you can do this in Warcraft Mapping, but is there a way to have different "Modules"? So you could have a module for a bunch of support functions that you have prefected, and you don't want to clutter you're main code? If you can't do it with Warcraft, could you add some sort of JassShopPro-only file (war3map.jsp, lol), that divides the war3map.j file into different visual tabs in JassShopPro, but it is still all in the war3map.j file?

Well, thanks for making my JASSing far much easier,

PS: Don't mind my previous posts, I was a little hyper then =p

PPS: I am thinking on making a imporoved Object Editor, and I want to ask you, how do you use the Storm Library? Is it in C or C++? Or are you using VB? Or are you using a different thing, and have you written your own MPQ functions? If it is the latter, then I would like to know, because I am going to make in in Python, which won't work with Storm (Or as far as I can tell), and I don't really know C or VB. May the programming god be with you!

PPPS: The orb with a J in it is already taken by jEdit.
Level 2
Aug 10, 2005
I have a few bugs, from some guy on TheHelper.net:

About the Sytax Checker:

1. If you have a constant function as first function it buggs out.

2. If you have a comment as last line in the document it buggs out.
Level 2
Aug 10, 2005
[More Requests / I'll edit this as I think of more things]

1) I would love some sort of feature, where you hit a hotkey or something (It would probably just be a option in the insert menu or something), and it comments / uncomments out the current line, or the selection, if there is one. I've seen this in a few editors, and it is real usefull, for commenting out alot of lines.

2) I know this isn't really possible, but if there is some magic way (Like by setting the trigger GUI data), making it so that you can make your JASS openable in the WE, and not overwrite it when you save. This would be ausome, because then I can share my things, that use JSP only things, like being able to do custom globals, ext.

3) A button that combines F9+F9 (If you have Auto-Syntax Check on), and Ctrl+F9, so that it checks your file, and then launches it. Often, I will make a little syntax error, and it will take a a bit to cancel out of wc3, and if it were to say "Oops, you have a syntax error! Continue launching? Yes/No", then that would save me not nearily as much time as it would for you guys to program in (Acually, if you have it orginized into neat little functions you can call, then it shouldn't be very hard at all.) Thanks!
Level 2
Aug 10, 2005
Eurika! I just thought of the equasion of life!

Zepier's WE + JSP + KOE (You know, Korolen's Object Editor, the third party Object Editor that I havn't finished yet =p) + War3ModelEditor = World Editor 1337
Level 2
Nov 25, 2004
to Korolen:
The bugs you said are pjass.exe's. I maked a syntax check of my own(and I'm making a new one). It, perhaps, has some other bugs (Zoxc and I had already use it to check some maps). U can try it later when I upload JSP v1.4.3.6 to http://www.freewebs.com/egust/

1) Added
2) impossible
3) Added "Auto Check" option to do that u want F9+F9 to do. Added the function of Ctrl+F9 as u wish.

About "Modules":
I never did programming on 3D graph... So... -____-
Level 2
Nov 25, 2004

[!] Rewrite code to load API files, the speed has increased;
[!] Fixed a display bug when a constant string is not in a single line;
[+] Added Syntax Check function, now JSP needn't pjass.exe to do Syntax Check;
[+] To press Tab/Shift+Tab to increase/decrease indent when selected lines;
[+] Added functions to make/unmake selected lines as comment;
[+] When editing a map and pressing Ctrl+F9, it will run war3 to test map after syntax check;
[+] Added options to auto change ASC<=>UTF8 when open/save file;
[-] Removed function "Compress Code...";
[*] Some other changes I forgot. @@
Level 1
Dec 3, 2005
Overall rating is Very Good.

A few things:
I can't get the User Jass file to work, something that I manage to do with previus versions.

The new 'Warnings' in the syntax checker. I dont wan't to have +40 warnings just becuse I use the return bug and doesn't use all my functions. I rather se them in another tool than the syntax one, it isn't a bug to not use all your functions.

Sorry for bad english.
Level 2
Aug 10, 2005
I can't seem to download the new version: Your FreeWebs thing isn't there, and the other link redirects me back here.

Level 4
Mar 5, 2005
Try this:

I'm working on JSP 2 aka JassCraft (JSP is silly) ^^

You have any suggestions?

Currently new features:
- Dockable panels
- Better GUI
- Fix on document tabs
- Little MPQ Editor
- Anything else I forgot...
Level 2
Aug 10, 2005
Feature Request:
When you want to modify something in the WE that has been scripted in JSP, you have to copy the JASS, modify, and put it back in. Could you make it somehow automaticy save a copy of the JASS (whether in the map or some hidden folder I don't care), and then loads it back into the map when you hit some sort of "refresh" button.

Also, when I test my map, I have to use Save As, or none of the changes are actually saved to the map for testing.
Have not tested it but I guess the highlighting is meant. Yeh, it's good, and pretty essential actually. In outpatched community editors TASH was used for this job, and TASH does this and some others very well. I guess TASH, or a changed form will be implemented also in the default editor at a time..
(and there are some more highlighter resources in tools sections, also for different IDEs)

It's a bit sad some resources like this one is marked as substandard without having a moderator comment. It should at best not be, maybe someone can take a look .. @Retera @eejin