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Jass request

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Level 4
Aug 4, 2008
Hello all,
I'm playing Wc3 for about 5-6 years.. I've played many maps and built a few... However, I'm not so familiar with vJass...Actually I'm not familiar at all xD.

Whatsoever, I have a satisfying knowledge on programming so learning wouldn't be difficult to me.

Now, I'm working on a new project and what I would like is to ask if anyone has any idea on how I could create:1) a skill (written on JASS most probably), that would increase the damage of a critical hit, seperattely from the base damage( coz many people told me to just increase the base damage :S ).

2)Is there any script that is like a "Skills library". I need something that will allow a Hero to have like 40 skills...20 passives and 20 actives in seperate lists or menus.1 list for passives, 1 for actives.

I was out of this community for 2 years, yet I'm glad to be back!!
Thx in advance!
If you've programmed before, all you need to know about Jass is the syntax and how parameters are just references to the original variables being passed to a function and not the ACTUAL variables themselves.

function xxxx takes xxxxxxxx returns xxxxxxx


    exitwhen BooleanExpression

set variable: set xxx = xxx
call function: call xxxx()

That's all there is to it :p
Oh and local variables are declared like this:

local integer xxxx = 0
local real i = 0

You're pretty much done ^_^
Level 4
Aug 4, 2008
Ok, to begin with, ty both for your info ;).

Now, about the Damage Modifier. I'm not really sure I got how it works. I mean I'm like half the way, I got it and I didn't got it at the same time :p.If only u could explain me how it works then I would be able to tell u if it matches my needs.
Level 4
Aug 4, 2008
I see... No, I need a seperate skill for critical strike and then a seperate skill that will boost even more the damage of the critical strike inflicted.

But the thing that really bother me is the Skill list. I need something like a tablet 2x5, which will have the skills for my hero. Let's say that ok, I create the tablet, how do I "fill" it with my skills??
Level 4
Aug 4, 2008
I thought of that, but I'll need 4-5 slots in my inventory... And I want those slots free...
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