Jaina's Tubles (Part1) is a cinematic that follows a group of heroes following the death of Jaina's father.
The terrain was terribly done, with very little doodad, tile, or height variation. The camera work was also done terribly. It would often stay in uninteresting positions for a good portion of the cinematic (which was quite short). The storyline didn't seem to make sense in the least bit. The four heroes go off to 'party', until Jaina dies randomly afterwards.
There were many spelling and grammatical errors. Combined with the terrible dialogue, made the cinematic's presentation very, very dull.
Rating: 1.0 and not recommended for approval
My recommendations:
Re-create the cinematic from the ground-up, with a meaningful plot.
Read a few tutorials on cinematic development.
Practice your terrain skills; they definitely need to be worked on.