Jaina with Demonic Wings
Texture : "Textures\Jaina.blp",
All texture are on warcraft.
Animation List : Stand -1 or potraits
Stand Second
Stand Victory
Attack -1
Note : Nothing Special, only remove her robes and added Demon hunter Wing to Jaina.
This is my first success model editing.(Still raw)
If I can I want to add Animation Jaina Morphs -1 (which Animate the wing scale from 0.001 to 1.0
Jaina Morps -2 which Animate the wing scale from 1.0 to 0.01
and her alternate form. may be later.
(I still don't understand how the animation works.)
perhaps someone can help me ?
Credits for this model :
WorldWatcher for his MDL Format Description so I can edit it with Wordpad.
Thanx to ... I am using his/her Black Jaina model's Left shoulder and weapon to my model.