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Jack of all Trades???

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Level 3
Jul 23, 2009
I'm constantly being inspired by the great models and terrains here at the Hive, and thought to myself, "Wow, I'd love to be as great as these guys!".

So let's cut to the chase, Hive! I don't know the first thing about making models or terrains, and would love to learn, and further my skills, with both the experience of the great Terrainers and Modellers here, and the guides provided to the public.

If anyone would be so kind as to help a hopeful artist, it would be much appreciated!

Thank you for your time.
Level 16
Jun 17, 2008
Yes, read the tutorials. And the other thing I want to point out is having a good working mentality.

Because unless you have a little bit of background in design, chances are you will find modelling difficult at first. Select a not overly ambitious model as your first try, keep a positive mentality throughout your attempt, and take it at a relaxing pace (about 10 days).

At every moment whenever you are stuck, drop your work for awhile and take the time to read up the tutorials again. There are at least 10+ modeling tutorials for newbies alone and don't limit your reading material to those only available on the Hive. And be very disciplined! Always finish what you started. Don't give up on your first model.

That's all I can think of for now. Enjoy the learning experience!
Level 3
Jul 23, 2009
Well, i've always been good at human proportions, maybe I should start with one of them? But more importantly, i've been looking for a 3DS-MDX converter for Gmax, but haven't had any luck, so I thought that until I can get one, I should start with model editting.

Expect a model within the next month.
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