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It's RPG time again

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Level 5
Feb 2, 2007
Hi all,
Been ages since I actually did/posted anything on hive, so forgive me if I do something wrong.
I've been working on this for...a while on and off, probably years in realtime a lot less in actual time spent on it.
I posted something similar a while back, but I've tried improving on things since then and I've undergone numerous plot/style/etc. changes since then.

Brief Description:
A RPG set in Etra, a fantasy mythos, for lack of a better world, of my own and a friend's creation, with input from numerous other people. I'd direct you to the site with all our information on, but it's closed for redesign.
Plot is as follows - Over 500 years ago, the Spider Goddess of Tyranny plotted to, and succeded in, killing the Goddess of Life, planning to absorb her essence and become the most powerful deity. However, her plan failed at the final moment and she was slain by the God of Death, who was incredibly close to the Goddess of Life (In a brother/sister way, not a sex sort of a way), God of Death turns all mopey and leaves for 500 years, wandering material existence. Cut to present, when the God of Death has returned and where the servants of the Spider Goddess are trying to ressurect her. You have been taken prisoner by the spider-creatures and have to fight your way out and then find out why they wanted you.
From here I plan to make branching plots where you can thwart the spider goddess when she returns, join with her etc. etc.

Overall design ideas:
I plan to make this a lot like Baldur's Gate with sprinklings of The Elder Scrolls, H.P. Lovecraft, Rush songs and various other geeky influences.
The overall idea is a single-player RPG a lot like the aformentioned Baldur's Gate/TES combo, with side quests, moral choice systems etc. etc.

It's ambitious and I'll probably get bored/confused by the whole thing and get distracted by shiny objects.

So far:So far, not much is on the table, I've layed down outlines for various systems that will be in the finished article and pirated a lot of stuff from older works.
There are a few issues with typos in the opening cinematics and I'll sort them when I can be bothered.
The Runes will be sorted soon-ish, I plan to make them give you bonuses to various stats.
I also plan to add in an explanation that pressing the arrow keys gives you access to different abilities, as of now, only Up and Right have been implemented giving you Interact and Heal respectively. I plan to add Stealh and...something else which slips my mind at this moment in the future.
Also, there's a lot (25,000 kb or something stupid like that, I had to delete some stuff so I could upload it, admittedly they were music files I'd decided I wanted some some reason :confused:) of (currently) purposeless imports in there, I will have a clean out at some point so the file size is dramatically reduced.
Screenshots... I will post at some point...

And now, after than ramble - The file
Thank you, any advice, criticism welcome.

P.S. If there's anything missing from my description, jab me and I'll try add it in.

Things I've remembered post posting :-
The terrain is rubbish at the moment, I will improve it, I promise.
The project doesn't have an official title yet, it's been going by the title "RPG" on my computer for a while now, the title in-game is merely because the map I used was recycled

Link to File - http://www.4shared.com/file/xUFCeo2A/RPG_090.html
I failed at uploading it and it was midnight and I was sleepy...


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  • RPG 090.w3x
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Level 5
Feb 2, 2007
Making it Multiplayer would be an extreme faff, getting all of the players to Create their characters like it does. And I personally think that it should be single player, like Baldur's gate, the idea is to have a party that you control, not someone else - Yes I know BG had Multiplayer as well.
Level 5
Sep 27, 2007
cboy123 said:
Uh-oh. Yeah. Hmmm...Single Player means alone I prefer to be Multiplayer. It means fun.

There has never been a good multiplayer RPG, especially not in wc3. So long as there are NPCs who serve to do more than act as additional units, single player will be a far better experience. Additionally you have a greater deal of possibilities for advancing the plot, and controlling the flow of the game; while solely focusing on one player. With multiplayer maps managing the advancement in an effective way can be almost impossible.
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