Theres and Easy and effective way of doing this. All you need is this:
Event: Unit aquires and item
Condition: Triggering unit has item of (type(item here))put all the items under that(if u use multiples of the same item it will only require one, if u want multiples i will show you how after i finish the singulars one) (also keep in mind this is boolean not item condition)
Action: Remove item of type (Item here from( Triggering Unit)) put all the items under that and after that use this.
Action: Create item for hero of type (item name) this is a HERO Action not an Item Action. Alright so. To make multiples of one item into one different one instead of using all different ones you need to have in the recipe (Slot 1- Item1, Slot 2- Item1, Slot 3- item 2) so they dont get confused and pissed when it doesnt work, so here goes.
Event: Unit aquires an item
Condition: Triggering unit has item of type (item 1 in slot 1)
Condition: Triggering unit has item of type (item 1 in slot 2)
Condition: Triggering unit has item of type (item 2 in slot 3)
Action: Remove item in slot one from triggering unit
Action: Remove item in slot two from triggering unit
Action: Remove item in slot three from triggering unit
Action: Create item of type (item name for (triggering unit))
and there you have it. Very simple triggers to make, just confusing at first
And its as simple as that, unless you want one trigger for every item that your bonding. IF so then you need to use If/Then/Else Multiple Conditions as your action and leave the base conditions blank and just add more and more for the else action. If/Then/Else triggers look something like this:
Event: Unit aquires item
l__If Condtion: Unit has item of type(blahblahblah, weve been over this)
Then: Remove item of type etc.(again weve been over this
l__If Condition: then repeat untill all your items have been made and on the last one fill in Else like this
Else: Do Nothing. Who could ask for any more?