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Item Sword

Just messed around with some simple animation and particle effects.
I just thought about some "real" Items.. Although it fits the needs of Wc3 really well, when Items hover over the ground and spinning around themselves, some real-looking items could be useful, too, especially for RPG maps.
Basicly this is just a simple Item, representing a Sword, but it has some "Drop animation". It flys through the air and then get stucked into ground.
Unfortunately Wc3 doesn't use any birth animations for dropped items, but I found out, that, if you create an item, the animation will be played. So all you have to do is this:
  • Replace Items
    • Events
      • Unit/Hero drops an item
    • Conditions
      • Item being manipulated/dropped equal to Item_Sword
    • Actions
      • Remove last dropped Item
      • Create Item_Sword at position of last dropped item
Updates (from newest to oldest):
- set birth animation to non-looping (forgot it :p)
- changed texture, because the old was ugly

Please give credits for my work, and don't edit anything without my permission

Item, Sword, Attachment, Object, Shiny

Item Sword (Model)

12:27, 7th Sep 2010 General Frank: Nice idea, but you should really fix the wrapping issues and on the upper and lower side of the cross-guard. 7th September 2010 General Frank: Changes are made - resource approved. Works in-game.




12:27, 7th Sep 2010
General Frank:

Nice idea, but you should really fix the wrapping issues and on the upper and lower side of the cross-guard.

7th September 2010
General Frank:
Changes are made - resource approved. Works in-game.
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
I made this for better Item-effects. Like the Monster you've killed "really" drops that item, it flys around and lands on the ground, stucked. And waits until you pick it up :)

Works great with the creation action, but when you drop it with your Hero (after picked the created item up) you have to re-create it for the air-flipping birth animation of it.

Suggestions & Tipps are welcome! Enjoy!
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
  • Replace Items
  • Events
    • Unit/Hero drops an item
  • Conditions
    • Item being manipulated/dropped equal to Item_Sword
  • Actions
    • Set TempPoint = Last dropped item
    • Remove last dropped Item
    • Create Item_Sword at position of TempPoint
    • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPoint)

Fixed trigger, leakless. (learned this a few days ago :p)
Last edited:
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
It is just supposed to be an example trigger.. not more not less..
It just displays a possible way to create the birth effect (don't think u can play specific animation names on items).
Because it's not playing when you normally drop the item, only when it's created ingame..
This is just an example how it could work.. but not a finished useable trigger ;)
Useful but if this and the shield are the only drop-animated items in a map it would be unfit...

hmm... is it possible to just do it like this:

make that dropping animation the start of its stand animation? so you wont need to use triggers...

EDIT: hmmm... I guess you cant because of the particle emitters on the stand animation...

or at least upload another one without the emitters so you can set the birth animation to be the stand animation?
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
Useful but if this and the shield are the only drop-animated items in a map it would be unfit...

hmm... is it possible to just do it like this:

make that dropping animation the start of its stand animation? so you wont need to use triggers...

EDIT: hmmm... I guess you cant because of the particle emitters on the stand animation...

or at least upload another one without the emitters so you can set the birth animation to be the stand animation?

I'm planning to do some more dropable items, with some effects and that are not floating over the ground and spinning around :p But this could take a while, because I change homes and therefore have no internet the next weeks.

You would still need a trigger for this, at least to pause the stand animations, else it will replay.. and you have like every 5-10 seconds the birth effect again till it plays the stand part for another 5-10 sec. and replays the birth effect.. so you would need triggers this or the other way..
I'm planning to do some more dropable items, with some effects and that are not floating over the ground and spinning around :p But this could take a while, because I change homes and therefore have no internet the next weeks.

You would still need a trigger for this, at least to pause the stand animations, else it will replay.. and you have like every 5-10 seconds the birth effect again till it plays the stand part for another 5-10 sec. and replays the birth effect.. so you would need triggers this or the other way..

ahh... so the stand animation will still loop even if you set it to non-looping?
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
As far as I know, yeah, because stand animations are always looping ingame..
every unit is moving some parts while standing, waving with hands or doing anything else.. this would also be paused..
Resulting in some non-acting units.. would seem that they're statues..

Sure the end animations of the Item is, that it stucks in the ground, but you still need to pause the stand animation at that part.
So i think it's not possible the way you want it to be..
As far as I know, yeah, because stand animations are always looping ingame..
every unit is moving some parts while standing, waving with hands or doing anything else.. this would also be paused..
Resulting in some non-acting units.. would seem that they're statues..

Sure the end animations of the Item is, that it stucks in the ground, but you still need to pause the stand animation at that part.
So i think it's not possible the way you want it to be..

ahh... I see...

BTW: tested it... yeah the game really loops it... so its really not possible... ^_^
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
i like your model man!! 5/5 :thumbs_up:
but here is how the trigger should look like...
  • Play Item Animation
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Loses an item
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Item-type of (Last dropped item)) Equal to Ring of Protection +2
        • Then - Actions
          • Set Loc = (Position of (Last dropped item))
          • Item - Remove (Last dropped item)
          • Item - Create Ring of Protection +2 at Loc
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Loc)
        • Else - Actions