Item Hero Stat Loss (-X)

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Level 1
Jan 23, 2015
How can I make an item that does the opposite of a bonus, it gives a penalty to the holder?

How can I make items that give bonuses to one stat but penalties to the others?
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
Go to File > Preferences, and make sure Allow negative real values in the Object Editor is checked.

The example map has a bunch of stat penalty examples using item abilities. For certain things like movement speed, you might have to change factors in Gameplay Constants to allow a lower unit speed minimum. But if hero stats are all you need reduced, then that should be simple enough.


  • StatPenalties.jpg
    68.6 KB · Views: 102
  • Item Stat Penalties.w3x
    9.5 KB · Views: 53
Level 1
Jan 23, 2015
What editor are you using? I'm using the standard world editor and for the hero stat ability it will not let me go below zero, it will for some other abilities.

When I open your map, if I open to edit the number of the penalty, it goes from -5 to 0 and I can't lower it.

--- Got it

For some reason you have to hold shift

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
For some reason you have to hold shift
Yes, just like PublishedShadow said right at the start.
When you get ready to edit a data field, hold the "Shift" key when you double click (or press the enter key) the field.
The shift key is very important. What it actually does is open up a sort of raw data editor for the field which is why bounds checks no longer apply. Very useful for exceeding maximum values on health, mana etc as well.

Do be aware that it can allow you to input potentially invalid numbers into a field. These might lead to hangs or crashes.
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