Issues with loading my map in war3

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Level 5
Jul 24, 2008
hey guys, I've recently been editing my map, doin some tweaks to the heroes and such, then when I tried to import a spell and I tried to test my map, a fatal error is encountered and warcraft will close. The fatal error concerns war3. How do I fix this? :vw_wtf:

PS: other maps still work, the fatal error only appears when I try to load my map.
Have you isolated it to being either a custom script OR an imported
file? To find out what's wrong you usually want to narrow it down a
bit. If you can save fine without custom script, then it's the custom
script where the problem is. If you can save fine without imports,
then it's the imports causing the crash.

We love to help but you also have to help us to help you.

If it's vJass custom script you're importing, you'll also need to have
Jass NewGen Pack available with the latest JassHelper.
Level 5
Jul 24, 2008
umm, I am able to save my work. The trouble starts while loading the map. The progress bar stops at some point for a few seconds, then warcraft closes. -_-

PS: All spells I've imported are in Triggers. I don't import Jass.
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