I know mostly how to make a ability leakless... except! I'm not too sure if this one is considering the variable array addition. If you could check for me, that'd be great. Thanks!
Swap Cast
- Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
- (Ability being cast) Equal to Swap
- Set swappoint_1[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = (Position of swapcaster[(Player number of (Triggering player))])
- Set swappoint_2[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = (Position of swapcaster_target[(Player number of (Triggering player))])
- Set swapinteger[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = (Level of Mechanical Ward for swapcaster[(Player number of (Triggering player))])
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Distance between swappoint_1[(Player number of (Triggering player))] and swappoint_2[(Player number of (Triggering player))]) Less than or equal to (500.00 + (50.00 x (Real(swapinteger[(Player number of (Triggering player))]))))
Then - Actions
- Unit - Move swapcaster[(Player number of (Triggering player))] instantly to swappoint_2[(Player number of (Triggering player))]
- Unit - Move swapcaster_target[(Player number of (Triggering player))] instantly to swappoint_1[(Player number of (Triggering player))]
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_swappoint_1[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())])
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_swappoint_2[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())])