[General] Is there a way to make doodads "snap" together?

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Level 5
Feb 13, 2019
For instance if I wanted to make a long fence made of multiple fence doodads, or more importantly if I was trying to construct a building out of wall, roof, window, and door doodads,

It's rather time consuming to attempt to place them in the correct spot then raise them and hope that it looks correct and is placed well. (Especially considering if you attempt to move a doodad while it's in the air (or copy & paste) it jumps back down to its original placement on the ground.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
You can prevent a doodad from moving back to the ground by unticking the reset fixed height (or something like that) I think it's under the File menu but I don't remember exactly.

As far as making things snap to the grid you may have to give them a pathing texture that snaps to the grid. Keep in mind you can use the num pad to nudge doodads in each direction.
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