Is the queue rly that long?

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Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
It doesn't work like that. Mods can review any map they want, not necessarily the one that is pending the longest. They can review a map that was submitted minutes ago or a map that has been pending for a year. It's their choice.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Hawkwing said:
Just be patient. Eventually the numbers will die down.
>X maps are submitted per day. <X maps are reviewed per day. The numbers will never die down in their current state, so stop lying to people to get them to stop making threads like this. You wonder why the queue is so long? Because it's almost always been that long.

I still don't understand why maps have to be reviewed to be approved. There are so many terribad maps in the database that surely you can't be worried about quality. Just have users (Not staff members) check them to see if they work, and if they do the map moderators can just straight approve them. I hate to say it, but checking for quality is absurd with a database styled like this one.
>X maps are submitted per day. <X maps are reviewed per day. The numbers will never die down in their current state, so stop lying to people to get them to stop making threads like this. You wonder why the queue is so long? Because it's almost always been that long.

I haven't collected any real data or anything, so I wouldn't know. Stop your hatin'. :p
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Be that as it may, they're still terrible and you darned well know it.

The main reason why it was terrible is because they do not bother to read, understand, respect and adhere to the submission rules as they have agree to do so.

To top up with, they usually do not bother to polish the most basic material in their map such as quest log, tooltips, description and hotkey. Of course, the scripting as well.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
The "fail map" flood has gone down. Weeks ago, 10 or more fail or noob maps were uploaded here every day. Now, the ammount is smaller, but there are only 1 moderator (Rui isn't so active as bounty was).

Basically, even by Linaze being a no-life guy, a new moderator would be good.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
The "fail map" flood has gone down. Weeks ago, 10 or more fail or noob maps were uploaded here every day. Now, the ammount is smaller, but there are only 1 moderator (Rui isn't so active as bounty was).

Wrong, the number are still same. The main reason why we do not notice it was because new user was ignore for about 2 weeks to avoid spam bot. I check the list and there is about 40 map that are currently unacceptable.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
Haosis... This is his way of reviewing... But I'm sure that Linaze will not give such reviews, to approve even the worst map.

Also, I think I have an explanation for that kind of review: The map section was pretty small, only a few maps. Ralle wanted to increase the numbers, so, the moderation was more lightier.



Level 5
May 13, 2009
I know I haven't been here long, but is there anything I can do to help reduce the moderating queue? And I'm really against the 'Plus and minus' style of reviewing, it should be done properly, regardless of what the hive aims itself at.
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