Is it worth to protect your map?

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There are various reasons why people are protecting their map. Mostly they do that because their map has lots of cool spells an systems they worked out themselfs and doesn't want other people to see their secrets - similar like the coke recept. It can alse be that the owner is afraid that other people will steal their maps and claim it as their own.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Only way to protect those is not to use them in anything. Models and Textures are the easiest to grab, GUI is protect-able however JASS isn't.
Wrong, war3map.j is the easiest thing to grab, since it's on all listfiles by default (including the GUI). Models are harder to grab, you need to identify which textures it uses to be able to use the model properly.

TriggerHappy's suggestion is a good one to use.
Double-posting is bad o.o

are we 5? lol and it was an accident.

It may be the easiest to grab, but can you use it right away? Models and textures are still easier.

The files don't have names in many cases.



Seems you guys are unknown to the new protection method some people are using, where it corrupts the MPQ so nobody can open it up.

If war3 can read it, so can we.
are we 5? lol and it was an accident.

The files don't have names in many cases.



If war3 can read it, so can we.

Well you still haven't fixed it so I was just putting it out there... :grin: I would hope it was an accident. And yeah exactly except you need the right program to read it if someone uses that method.
Well you still haven't fixed it so I was just putting it out there...

How am I supposed to fix it?

A moderator can merge the posts if they'd like, but it really isn't a big deal.

And yeah exactly except you need the right program to read it if someone uses that method.

So how is this a new protection method where nobody can open it up?
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
It may be the easiest to grab, but can you use it right away? Models and textures are still easier. Seems you guys are unknown to the new protection method some people are using, where it corrupts the MPQ so nobody can open it up.

You got it wrong dude, Models won't work properly if the textures don't have the exact filename they are known referenced to by the model file, while jass scripts, even if it is optimized, will work as is.

Seems you guys are unknown to the new protection method some people are using
You got it wrong again, the listfile is just removed, the MPQ ain't corrupted.

where it corrupts the MPQ so nobody can open it up.
If war3 can read it, so can we.
I've already opened a lot of protected maps.

EDIT: Okay, now I'm also interested in that new protection method too.
To TriggerHappy: You can delete posts can you not and then edit your above one? Well it seems rather new because it wasn't used often before. this map uses this method. Then there are some where it can prevent you with files that you try to extract.

To chobibo: I get it wrong a lot apparently... =(
Models can usually still be loaded without their correct texture names, so I don't see your point there as well jass scripts are harder to deal with aren't they...? I am sure removing it is part of it however I don't know if you know I got it wrong. You shouldn't let people know that either. =P

Though we shouldn't chat too much onto this, just saying there is a better method of protection then vex's.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Vexorian's optimizer isn't for map protection. You must mean an obfuscator.

Models can usually still be loaded without their correct texture names
Try testing that, use models without their respective textures, I already know what will happen but it seems you need confirmation so try it.

so I don't see your point there as well jass scripts are harder to deal with aren't they...?
The map wouldn't work if the jass script is corrupted, what's not to see? The jass file works straight from the map archive when you extract it, else it would also not work in-game.

You shouldn't let people know that either. =P
I just said the listfile was removed, I never mentioned how to deprotect...
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