Can I protect a map that has vJass?

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Level 8
May 9, 2010
Guys, I have a few questions. Help me, please.
At first, Can I protect map, if it contains vJass? Protected map version is unworkable. My other map does not contains vJass and it protecting successful.
I am using Vexorians map protector.
Secondly, Why when creeps in my AOS map is die expirience gains to all ally heroes in full map(map is big).
I am even make exprience gaining 0, but it expirience gains all the same.
Level 7
May 13, 2011
From what I've read about map protecting it should work fine if you protect a map that has vJASS, all map protectors do (that I know) is remove a bit of code at the start of the map that the WE requires but Warcraft 3 doesn't, hence making them uneditable while still playable.

If I were you I would copy the map and then try to protect it (or the copy, whatever). Then you can just check it out in WC3 and see if it works.
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