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Is it possible for you to mix both of those maps?

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Level 1
Sep 20, 2011
Hey Guys... this is my first post and i directly have an request...
So first of all: Hello Community!
As i found many very nice Maps here i think you havt the skills to do it :)

Me and my friends rly enjoy playing some Mauls together in Teamspeak.
We rly like "Team Maul Beta" but the coding of this map sucks. Others Mauls always look the same but this Map is just a line, giving so nice possibilitys to maze together.
Unfortunately those things are destroying all the fun in it:

  1. [1]-On a new unit Spawn there just spawns too much. It just crashes PC, maybe you could fix that so that they spawn without killing so many RAM

    [2] -The Pathing system isnt good. Mobs blocking each other, taking almost a year to pass the long terrain

    [3] - The races arent very unique. They just are different in range,dmg, splash etc. No Upgrades/techtree etc. We really enjoyed the Races of FF MAUL XI

    [4] - The Levels are always the same (except flying/ground), no bosses or specials like ghost etc. We really enjoyed the races and/or units of Kindergarten TD or Shopping Maul because they had some really awesome ideas and every level was different.

    [5] - The Remaining Lives arent shown right. There is no -air/lvl command. There is no Highscore. There are not much difficulity settings. It isnt very User-Friendly. And there are many more critics

IT would be relly nice if someone of these awesome mappers in this forum would start his own "Line-Maul" with some nice Races and Enemys.
As english is not my native language i am sorry for any mistakes, but i hope you understand what i mean and you would start with such an map :):thumbs_up:
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