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Is DotA overhyped?

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Level 6
Dec 21, 2006
Because i tend to find so many NerdnoLIFEpeopleWHOnevergoOUTSIDEtoappreciateLIFE AkA DotA Elitests.

I find that the host dies 12 times, you die one, he makes you look like the shittiest player ever. theres always someone mocking someone for buying the wrong item. The games last for hours on end. Banlist is jsut stupid, now because people are using it on other maps.

I HATE DOTA. Takes absolutley no skill. You get to lvl 10, you have already maxed 2 spells. Some hero's are IMBA and some are so bad they aren't worth playing. People make racist remarks all game, i have never played a quiet/peaceful dota game. Its always EM and never DM. Only reason i do play DotA is for DM, because i don't mind getting a new hero each time, yes im halfy controdicting myself, but i do hate it, only play DM games my friends make to help fill the slots.
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
Dota fantaics sadly do not read these forums so we must treat it like a relegion. in order to convert dota fantics back to regular warcraft 3 we need to make anti-dota maps that dis dota in every aspect including the people that play it. over time we will get are players back from the cult of dota and regain the custom map list back to its former glory!
Level 2
May 21, 2005
i completely agree......in the past we see like almost all types of maps hosted at the same time but now...... it's not something new getting 1 full page of dota games.....but as for banlist i don't totally agree abt it being bad coz i have been getting no lives joining my game rooms and say 'host u suxs' or sum racism and immediately leaves....(map is not a concern coz i host a variety of maps) how i miss the good old days where there are more styles of game, originality and RESPECT. the bold is to emphasise not shout n pardon my spelling
altho it is a bit too much to ban ppl just coz they dc(i only ban flamers racist and illmannerism mostly with exception of some deliberate game quitters)
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Level 3
Dec 24, 2006
both i guess ;p dont get me wrong, i dont have anything against kids or anything like that, but i dislike how some of them act to other people
DOTA PLAYERS!?!?! 24/7/12/

Yes, Dota Players, Dota Clans, Dota Websites, Dota Conventions, Dota Hamburgers, Dota-Cola....
All of this all damned crapp exists.
Who doesnt hate Dota?

I have heard on forums along the World then the Dota High Command is begning a supreme plan to eliminate all other map types (Mini-Games, Altered melees, Escapes, etc.) and implant a Regin of Dota-only.
And the Dotisc Terror will break the war3 walls and reach other games such as Starcraft, Age of Empires, Lord of the Rings, Empire Earth, and any other strategy game.
The War is comming, and we must be ready to fight....

Okay, I am begin to be paranoic...
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
Neither support nor downright condemn it.

Aren't you jealous that your maps aren't as popular?

Then I guess you're just as crazy as some Dota addicts.
Level 6
Dec 21, 2006
DotA should be banned, and thats where we can put all the EMO's :D

Think....no more emo's.....cause they all be playing DotA!!!!! BOOYA :spell_breaker:



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Beating dota with another map? If dota dies by another map, that other map will become another DotA in terms of popularity and therefore be disliked by the over-hosting we see with the map.
To be honest, I only play DotA when I'm really bored. I think it's hosted way too often. People prefer to play crappy maps over good ones these days.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Beating dota with another map? If dota dies by another map, that other map will become another DotA in terms of popularity and therefore be disliked by the over-hosting we see with the map.
To be honest, I only play DotA when I'm really bored. I think it's hosted way too often. People prefer to play crappy maps over good ones these days.

Currently i am creating a map named 'At dawn they sleep' and i hope when i finish it and make later versions of it it could maybe beat it.. not sure
Level 4
Dec 15, 2006
Hell yeah, DotA is overrated, I fucking hate DotA, it's the biggest fucking waste of space you can get without contributing to the sales of that shitty 'playing with fire' CD. It wastes map-space that could be used for GOOD maps (like mine). Kids, just say 'NO' to DotA, and CoTM, which killed my two campaigns that I was ust gonna try to make on my own, and almost killed my computer. Just say 'NO' to shitty, haf-assed maps that waste room and/or leak.
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Reign of Dota, huh... That could be the next big hit for parodies of the year if it could be made.

Instead of Humans, Night Elves, and the Orcish Horde fight againest the Scourge and the Burning Legion, it could be people who like the other genre type maps and other fellow AoS's againest DotA players.

It'd be hillarious if it could be made right.
Level 4
Dec 15, 2006
Rui, it's not that there's something inherently wrong with CoTM, it just murdered my projects in cold blood and made my computer lag to slide show-like speeds. I guess b/c it was so damn huge, and I guess naturally something like that's gonna lag, alot, like aLOT, like, slower than George Bush alot, like glacier slow alot, like k-fed realizing and accepting that he's a redneck vanilla ice wannabe bitch slow alot.

but it was basically well made, except for the obvious lag and cold blooded rape-homicide of projects. But umm..... Ya and stuff hey did you get new curtains?
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Level 4
Dec 15, 2006
DotA is the definition of suck, the original maker is the lowest form of life on the evolutonary chain, primordial ooze looks down on him, hell the oozes feces looks down on him, hell, even KEVIN FEDERLINE looks down on him!
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
DotA is the definition of suck, the original maker is the lowest form of life on the evolutonary chain, primordial ooze looks down on him, hell the oozes feces looks down on him, hell, even KEVIN FEDERLINE looks down on him!

You do know the original dota was made by a very nice guy? Later on, someone(ice frog) stole it or changed it to Dota ALLSTARS. thats the one you guys are complaining about.
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
DOTA lost its fun when it spammed the entire bnet. I mean I seen people who do nothing but have bots host Dota for them.

Edit: speaking of dissing dota maps I had 2 LOAP maps one called LOAP Galdator, and another called LOAP Sea Avenutre. both had a job called Dota Hunters who would go and kill dota heros and then the dota players. lol
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