Introduction: Ore-Orc

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Level 2
Mar 2, 2008
Hey Hiveworkshop members and crew.:grin:

My name is Mattheus G.O. but i call myself Ore-Orc:wink:
I am 15 almost 16 years old, i live in Denmark:thumbs_up:
I started playing warcraft TFT and ROC a few years ago, and when i saw the world editor. I saw all the oppertunities. You can do almost anything with that tool:eekani:
I have been using a few models from this site, and i find it great that somebody wants to spend some time to make this site.

I have now become an near-master Map Editor person, and know almost all the commands.

Well thats about it, thank you for listening^^
Level 10
Jun 26, 2005
Hello Ore-Orc, it seems that a lot of Danes are joining this site...

Welcome to The Hive Workshop (THW), and thank you for joining! THW includes Warcraft III modders of all skill levels. New members, especially the friendly ones, are always welcome.

Listed, are some useful links that are vital for a superior start at THW:
  • User Control Panel | Customise your account with unique avatars and signatures.
  • The Rules Page | The FAQ may prevent future troubles.
  • Warcraft III Tutorials | If you're new to modding, tutorials can boost your start!
  • THW's Chatroom | Chat with fellow modders that share familiar interests!
  • Search The Hive | This is an extremely important tool. Before asking a question, use Search to make sure the question hasn't been asked before.
  • The Hive Workshop Staff | You may want to familiarise yourself with the staff. This may assist you in identifying the correct individuals to contact when you have a problem.
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