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[vJASS] Instance referal

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Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
Thanks. One more thing - how to retrieve an instance's index?
I thought that the actual instance is an integer representing the index, but when i tried, in a method, to do: if this == SomeInteger then it gave an error saying that 2 different values can't be compared.
However, if i make a debug message BJDebugMsg(I2S(InstanceName)) it shows it's index.
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
integer(this) == SomeInteger
There's no integer() function :X
if this == structName(SomeInteger)
That would mean comparing 2 struct intances. I want to compare a struct instance's index with an integer.
Good idea, but still it showed the same error.

EDIT: Found a way. Setting an integer variable to 'this' and then comparing the variable and SomeInteger worked.
Level 17
Apr 27, 2008
integer() is supposed to ask jasshelper consider the instance struct argument as in integer, it's not a jass function, it's a vJass feature.

So that should work, never tried though, maybe the parser doesn't allow it without using an intermediate integer variable like you did, which would be silly because we all know that in vJass a struct instance is an integer.
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
integer() is supposed to ask jasshelper consider the instance struct argument as in integer, it's not a jass function, it's a vJass feature.

So that should work, never tried though, maybe the parser doesn't allow it without using an intermediate integer variable like you did, which would be silly because we all know that in vJass a struct instance is an integer.
Oh, it worked ;O
Sry i didn't test it at first.
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