Thanks for the input. I'm wondering did you play the game with just computers or did you play a game on As far as I can remember whenever I played with computers they never responded well. At this point, I think the fountain in the middle stays as a fountain of health - I'm not sure though. Whatever it was I think I made sure it was the same as the original.
One thing to remember in my design philosophy for this game is that I tried to stay as true to the original as possible. I didn't want to make too many changes as I admired the original game for what it was.
1) That might be a good idea. I really didn't want to change any of the core values form the hero abilities as I wanted them to stay the same from the melee game but if changes like this are needed then they will be done.
2) There aren't invulnerability pots in any of the shops? ;o It'll be added.
3) I don't remember how much gold I gave players but it should be whatever it was in the original (which I think was 1000 per). I'll double check.
4) Good idea. I'll put it in.
5) Another good idea. I still want the gem in there though, I'll raise the price if needed.
6) I made triggers to fix those problems.
7/8) Again I don't want to change base values unless they are necessary.
9) I thought they were in. =\ Healing Salves will be added too.
11) There's a whole folder of Mixed Teams triggers.

The way it works is that it picks the top 2 players and places them on opposite teams, then picks random players to each team until there are no more players remaining. For what I can remember, testing seemed to work well.
As for the scenery, again the original was done using the frozen tileset so I wanted to continue that.