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Level 13
Sep 24, 2007
Game Idea- Infection of the human body (infection or body infection for short)

Game Name - Not decided as of yet (May be Body Infection or Infection)

Basic Game idea-
Two body players
8 Virus Players
2 Computers

The virus will start out as one signel virus somewhere in the body. (it will be random)
The body players will start in the heart or the brain I am not sure right now.

The computer will control the Blood some antibodies and the skin and other tusiue cells.

The win condition of the body players will be to kill all the viruses

The win condition right now is not finallized but right now it will be to kill the major organs of the body

I know that there is a Virus Infection game but I think this will be pretty different.
The first major difference is the way the virus get money. In Virus Infection the viruses get money from infecting cells that are gold mines. In my game the viruses will infect blood cells that are not gold mines but move around the body. This is also how you get more units every time you infect a cell you lose the unit that infects the cell. Once the cell is infected you take control over it . You choose if it becomes and active or passive cell. Active cells form two new viruses fast and the cell then dies. Passive cells are more like an upgrading unit. You use them to upgrade into better viruses or mutate to become different ones with different advatages.


Skin- In the game the outside of the body and inside of the body is seperated by a layer of skin cells. Each skin cell can be destroyed by the viruses as well as random events triggered ingame such as cuts. The advantage of the viruses destroying the skin cell is it brings more viruses into the body that the viruses get to use and allows them to have different kinda of viruses. To stop the viruses from destroying the skin cells whenever one is attacked the body sends cells to try and kill the virus. Also when the skin cell is destroyed blood is sent to clot and closes the hole. After about 2 mins of the cell being destroyed a new cell is made.

Stomach- food and other materials (ie other viruses medicine and such) are brought here form the throat. medicine and such are taken and introduced to the blood stream and viruses are brought out of the body. Stomach tussuie can be destroyed and viruses and stomach acid can escape.

Throat- connects the mouth to the lungs and stomach. Seperated into two different pipes one goes to the stomach and brings food medicine and viruses. Other goes to lungs with oxygen and some viruses. Throat can be destroyed and viruses are released to the blood stream.

Lungs - Oxygen and viruses along with some medicine come here form throat. The lungs can be destroyed. the body can make the lungs cough and all viruses in will be put outside the body and will die.

Heart- The heart is the center of the body. All computer controled units come threw the heart during the corse of the game many times. Players can try and kill the heart by destroying the tussuie but this will be very hard. Another way they can kill it is forming a blood clot in another part of the body and detaching it to cut off blood flow from the heart to the other parts of the body. Blood clots can also be formed to block parts of the body off thus killing the body part.

Please comment about this and any ideas you have.

Picture of the "Skin" layer. No model for it right now so it is just useing a farm model if u have any suggestion as to a better model please comment


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