So you want an ability that will supersize the effects of any healing ability cast upon any given unit with said ability? I have an idea as to how to do something like this but it would have to take into account any possible healing spell that could ever be used on any unit who could have this ability. The following is not actual code but an algorithm I'm creating on the fly and I'm making no promises as to how well it would actually work.
- unit starts effects of ability
- (target unit has ability in question) = true // this would be a custom ability based off a passive one like Moon Glaive or Vorpal Blades
- if (ability being cast = Heal) set life of target unit =
min (max life of target unit, (life of target unit) + 0.2 X (points restored by Heal))
- if (ability being cast = Holy Bolt) set life of target unit =
min (max life of target unit, (life of target unit) + 0.2 X (points restored by
Holy Bolt))