Incorrect Values in Tooltips

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Level 1
Oct 14, 2008
Hello All!

I've just recently started playing around with the Wc3 editor, and have run into a bit of a problem while working on tooltips for custom heroes.

When selecting a hero from the hero tavern, I want the tooltip to display data similar to DotA, where you can see the starting stats (str, agi, int, movement speed, etc) in the tooltip.

I obviously want to avoid hard-coding in these values, so this is the type of code I've been using to try and get the tooltip to display the values:

Strength - <H000, STR> + <H000, STRplus>

According to the raw data, the name of the hero in the treeview is "H000:Hpal".

But when I run the game, the tooltip displays all values as 0. I've tried changing the H000, the STR, and a bunch of other whacky stuff, but I can't seem to figure out why the values aren't being displayed correctly :cry:

So basically if anyone can let me know what (probably obvious) mistake I'm making, I would be glad to hear it!

Level 1
Oct 14, 2008
Well, my main theory behind wanting to use raw values is for balancing.

Eventually I'll get to the point of having to go back and tweak values like starting attributes, and rather than having to edit both the values and the tooltips, it would be a lot easier to only have to edit the values and have the tooltips update accordingly.
Level 7
Sep 9, 2007
I just tried doing this exact same thing the other day and had the same result (obviously). From what I can tell it's not possible, I plan on hard coding it once I'm done balancing but the problem is if you miss something you generally wont notice by testing it in game, you have to double check everything in the editor which is gonna be painful.
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