Not to sound like a broken record, as this is said quite often around here (as it should be),
Please improve your description to better sell your map and to get it approved.
You can use one of these to get you started:
Just a note, this map is in Spanish. It will have to be translated in order to be approved on this site.
It is missing credits too, which are also required to get a map approved (there are a lot of imports).
A noticable bug in the game is when you are selecting your hero at the start, you already have control of the Warden Character (so you can actually get both heroes)
I'm not a fan of the imported cursor; it doesn't go well with your theme.
Despite the above, I'll give you some good points as well as suggestions:
-Terrain is decent
-I would just use non-blizzard trees if you're going to use some imported trees. Blizzard trees are pretty ugly compared to ones you could import and don't mix well.
-Try moving the grass tile to the left in your "modify tileset" It would probably look better if the cobblestone was over top of it as opposed to growing over the cobblestone.
-Based on what I've seen in the editor it looks like a pretty promising Dungeon Crawler RPG.
Keep working on it, I'm not trying to discourage you by any means.