I've been trying to import various skins, but for me, they just won't apply to the unit it used. I've searched through the forum and tried everything each importing post said. Maybe I'm doing something wrong..
Import the blp (have tried both downloaded and my own), name the custom path in the import manager to the unit's path (ex. units/NightElf/Archer/Archer.blp), and have also tried naming the blp file to what it was saved as (ex. units/NightElf/Archer/Differentname.blp). Also tried Textures/Archer.blp or Textures/Differentname.blp. I've even tried different capitalizations. Have tried to apply skins to units other than Archer too.
Restarted world editor. Placed a few of the unit I tried to apply the skin to, with no luck of course.
I've even tried reinstalling world editor, of course that didn't work. Any help to fix this would be great...
I've been trying to import various skins, but for me, they just won't apply to the unit it used. I've searched through the forum and tried everything each importing post said. Maybe I'm doing something wrong..
Import the blp (have tried both downloaded and my own), name the custom path in the import manager to the unit's path (ex. units/NightElf/Archer/Archer.blp), and have also tried naming the blp file to what it was saved as (ex. units/NightElf/Archer/Differentname.blp). Also tried Textures/Archer.blp or Textures/Differentname.blp. I've even tried different capitalizations. Have tried to apply skins to units other than Archer too.
Restarted world editor. Placed a few of the unit I tried to apply the skin to, with no luck of course.
I've even tried reinstalling world editor, of course that didn't work. Any help to fix this would be great...