Importing Skins

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Level 1
Aug 27, 2005
I know there's already a lot of topics on this, but I've tried all of them and nothing has worked for me so far...

I want to import a demon hunter skin I edited in Photoshop (CS2). Here's what I've done:

1. Opened up Warcraft 3 Viewer and extracted (and converted) the HeroDemonHunter.blp skin.

2. I used this converter to convert my image from a blp to a bmp, then opened the bmp file in Photoshop.

3. After playing around with it and finally getting the effect I wanted, I resaved it (as the same bmp) and used the bmp to blp converter.

4. Then, I imported the skin into my map and changed the custom path to "units\nightelf\HeroDemonHunter\HeroDemonHunter.blp", but when I placed a Demon Hunter on the map, he still had the default skin!

Is there any other way to do this, I've been trying to import custom skins for a long time, but I never got it to work. Thanks for any help.
Level 13
Dec 29, 2004
It still use the default skin on World Editor or while in game?
If it just on WE, do what Rui said. Btw, Demon hunter skin has some bug on it. If you edit some spot, a whole skin will become disappear (well just a side note).

Note: you don't need wc3 converter, since wc3 viewer can extract, convert bmp to blp and vice versa.



Level 7
Aug 20, 2005
i have had the same problem with a couple of skins of my own. i have imported many custom skins before but sometimes a few that i have edited will not seem to work. i can't seem to figure it out. i suppose it could be a bug with the skin like leopard said with the dh, in which you cant edit a certain area. the skins that have had this problem for me are tauren chieften, lich, and hellscream. it is especially annoying when i take time to edit a skin near complete, only to find it won't work. an explanation would be appreciated.



Level 7
Aug 20, 2005
ok bum, i might have a solution. if your doing what you say your doing and its not working, save the .bmp file to a .jpg file. then convert it to .blp file and give it its custom name then try it. this is what i did for my skin that didn't work.

i don't understand why this is a problem though. i can only think wc3 viewer has an error sometimes when converting from the .bmp format.
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