I know there's already a lot of topics on this, but I've tried all of them and nothing has worked for me so far...
I want to import a demon hunter skin I edited in Photoshop (CS2). Here's what I've done:
1. Opened up Warcraft 3 Viewer and extracted (and converted) the HeroDemonHunter.blp skin.
2. I used this converter to convert my image from a blp to a bmp, then opened the bmp file in Photoshop.
3. After playing around with it and finally getting the effect I wanted, I resaved it (as the same bmp) and used the bmp to blp converter.
4. Then, I imported the skin into my map and changed the custom path to "units\nightelf\HeroDemonHunter\HeroDemonHunter.blp", but when I placed a Demon Hunter on the map, he still had the default skin!
Is there any other way to do this, I've been trying to import custom skins for a long time, but I never got it to work. Thanks for any help.
I want to import a demon hunter skin I edited in Photoshop (CS2). Here's what I've done:
1. Opened up Warcraft 3 Viewer and extracted (and converted) the HeroDemonHunter.blp skin.
2. I used this converter to convert my image from a blp to a bmp, then opened the bmp file in Photoshop.
3. After playing around with it and finally getting the effect I wanted, I resaved it (as the same bmp) and used the bmp to blp converter.
4. Then, I imported the skin into my map and changed the custom path to "units\nightelf\HeroDemonHunter\HeroDemonHunter.blp", but when I placed a Demon Hunter on the map, he still had the default skin!
Is there any other way to do this, I've been trying to import custom skins for a long time, but I never got it to work. Thanks for any help.