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Importing a Model, I need some help.

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Level 3
Jul 16, 2005
Alright, so the RPGDwarf model is giving me a hard time. I did what the instructions told me to do, and put "Textures" into the text box. I got a purple box. I restarted the map. I got a green box instead. WE reported it couldn't load a .mdl file. I then looked up some posts and all failed me. I even deleted the warcraft3Import, etc, etc.

So... What am I doing wrong? I'm sorry for being so vague. I honestly have no clue why this model won't work. You may post every little thing you can think of. I'll redo some of the things I already tried if you highly recommend it.

Note: I did restart the map many times. I got the same result: an invisible unit.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
The box shows up when something is wrong with the texture, since I dunno the problem I am just going to write something that might fix it:

First open the model with Magos model editor and you can easy check what textures is needed and what path they should have

Now import the model to the map (Make sure it is a mdx file)

Dont change its path!

Import the textures (make sure they are blp files): Change to the paths you found using Magos

save map

Close it down, and reopen it

Try to see if it works.

(If you can't open the model in magos it is propably because it can't find the texture (it aint named the same thing as a save. Open the mdl file instead to see the paths (If it is a mdx file use the Wacraft 3 Mdlx Converter -> in tool section)) )

That should be all, nothing can go wrong. Unless the model is corrupted or damaged..
Level 1
Jul 21, 2008
I have the same problem when you import it and add it to a unit it becomes a mdl file instead of mdx and you cannot change it , is that meant to happen or? :S
Level 22
Jun 24, 2008
Umm, i got same problem-
I made my skin (Just some Recolor and CnP (Havent uploaded)) and im calling it HeadHunter_Forrest.blp
Then im going to import it.
Open WE -> Import Manager -> Find Skin and Import -> Change path to: Textures\HeadHunter.blp
All i get is a "Head Hunter" Which is just some red things..? What is wrong here?

Edit: That is the skin- i added no Alpha Channels so i cant be that.
Is something wrong with my path?
I tried unit\orc\Headhunter\Headhunter.blp too- Doesnt work
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Umm, i got same problem-
I made my skin (Just some Recolor and CnP (Havent uploaded)) and im calling it HeadHunter_Forrest.blp
Then im going to import it.
Open WE -> Import Manager -> Find Skin and Import -> Change path to: Textures\HeadHunter.blp
All i get is a "Head Hunter" Which is just some red things..? What is wrong here?

Edit: That is the skin- i added no Alpha Channels so i cant be that.
Is something wrong with my path?
I tried unit\orc\Headhunter\Headhunter.blp too- Doesnt work

I pressume you want to add this skin to the headhunter model?

Then it need to be the right path and fileformat. First make sure your skin is saved as a tga (32bit) and then convert it to a blp file (with alpha)

Then use this path: Textures\Headhunter.blp

Save the map
Close worldeditor
Reopen the worldeditor and open the map

Apply the model -> it should work if you did all this.

You can always check if you blp file is correct by trying to convert it using wc3viewer. Btw I prefer using Magos to convert it with.
Level 4
Jul 26, 2008
:ned:Yknow im having that exact problem, except when i first place it in the map, it only shows up as a green box (closing & opening the map doesnt change the fact that it stays a green box >_<). HOWEVA, I went and looked for this "Magos model editor" in THW's tools section, only to find it isn't there. Now before I go on, just tell me now if I need to endlessly search google for this thing.:ned:

EDIT: Actually, dont tell me. I'm bound to do anything but not find it doing that... >_> So instead just tell me where to download it from! :D
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Thanks for keep replying to me :wsmile:
But i dont know how to "Zip" Files, or enclose them eiter, im noob at the Hive :D

well to zip files you just need either winzip or 7-zip (freeware)

Or you can check if you can send files to a zip map.

you know in the option menu which appear when you right click on a file. There is a option called send to. Then just select the one with zip in it.

Ir that won't do just attach to the post... Only mentioned zip because there could be more then one file.

btw: you gotta be fast, I am going on a short vacation tomorrow and won't be back for ten days.
Level 1
Aug 2, 2008

I read what you guys all wrote. I followed the Turtorials and everything. I am not a noob at mapmaking either and I understand most of it but every import I do from Hive always comes up with green box. I've saved and reopened, i've done the Magos Model Creator and saw they matched. How do I attach a skin to a model?
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Sorry for answearing both of you late... As said I was gone for 10 days on vacation.

But Now I am back so I try again.

To attach a zip file you just have to click the button called manage attachments (you may have to click the button called go advanced first)
Then just upload it and post the post :wink: (If it still doesnt work send me the file using msn. PM to get it)

The_Presence Please introduce yourself to hive in the something-else
->introduction forum.

Anyway: There is two ways to attach a skin to a model.

Here is the first:
First your skin needs to be blp format (use either Magos Model or wc3 viewer ).

Then have the skin saved on you comp as a blp file. Open the model which skin you want to change in Magos.

Click the button called Windows

Then click the button called textures

Then right click on the texture window and press the import texture button. Click you blp skin file and open it

Then close down the texture window. And press the windows button again, click the materials button

Double click on the materials to find the/those material(s) using the skin you want to replace.

When you find it, change the current skin to the one you importet before.

Close the window then the model looks right.

Use save as to save the model - call it something different then the orginal model. (save as mdx)

Other way to go.

Do almost the same as before with this slight difference:

You just find the name for the texture you want to replace. Write it down.

Then close down magos model editor.

Open world editor and then import your skn, give it the path you just wrote down. Save the map - Close down world editor and reopen it and reopen the map. Your model is now reskinned (pressuming you replaced the correct skin)

Note: If your reskinning a custom model you will of course have to import that too.

Also Note: This method doesnt allow more then one version of the model in the map = the reskinned one.

Hope that explained something.

(btw: Haven't revived this tread. I answeared the questions as promised before I went on vacation.)
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
where is that texture folder???

As told: It is in magos model editor -> windows -> Textures.

Or if you meant the folder for Wc3 - Textures then it is in the MPQ ->open -> wc3 (or one of the others you can open) -> Textures (or one of the others if you want for a specifik model.)

btw: And remember I am helping everyone asking, but you might consider explaining a bit more about what you want explained.
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