Sorry for answearing both of you late... As said I was gone for 10 days on vacation.
But Now I am back so I try again.
To attach a zip file you just have to click the button called
manage attachments (you may have to click the button called
go advanced first)
Then just upload it and post the post

(If it still doesnt work send me the file using msn. PM to get it)
The_Presence Please introduce yourself to hive in the something-else
->introduction forum.
Anyway: There is two ways to attach a skin to a model.
Here is the first:
First your skin needs to be blp format (use either Magos Model or wc3 viewer ).
Then have the skin saved on you comp as a blp file. Open the model which skin you want to change in Magos.
Click the button called Windows
Then click the button called textures
Then right click on the texture window and press the
import texture button. Click you blp skin file and open it
Then close down the texture window. And press the windows button again, click the
materials button
Double click on the materials to find the/those material(s) using the skin you want to replace.
When you find it, change the current skin to the one you importet before.
Close the window then the model looks right.
Use save as to save the model - call it something different then the orginal model. (save as mdx)
Other way to go.
Do almost the same as before with this slight difference:
You just find the name for the texture you want to replace. Write it down.
Then close down magos model editor.
Open world editor and then import your skn, give it the path you just wrote down. Save the map - Close down world editor and reopen it and reopen the map. Your model is now reskinned (pressuming you replaced the correct skin)
Note: If your reskinning a custom model you will of course have to import that too.
Also Note: This method doesnt allow more then one version of the model in the map = the reskinned one.
Hope that explained something.
(btw: Haven't revived this tread. I answeared the questions as promised before I went on vacation.)