* Read Me
* ---------
* In order to use Meat Hook you have to setup some things
* Copy the Required and Meat Hook folder into your map
* Copy the Meat Hook Ability
* Go throught the settings in the Meat Hook library
* Also you have to setup Dummy and UnitIndexer
* Dummy
* 1. Import the dummy model into your map (F12) - Import Editor
* 2. Copy the unit particle into your map (F6) - Object Editor
* 3. Set private constant integer DUMMY_ID inside the Dummy library
* to the correct path of particle (CTRL + D) - Object Editor and Trigger Editor
* UnitIndexer
* 1. Copy the Unit indexing ability into your map (F6) - Object Editor
* 2. Set constant integer ABILITIES_UNIT_INDEXER inside the UnitIndexer library
* to the correct path of the Unit Indexing ability (CTRL + D) - Object Editor and Trigger Editor