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Importe skin help needed (I already read everything about)

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Level 2
Oct 9, 2004
Well... I read everything on this site about importing skin but it don,t work for me I probably do something wrong. I made a skin of a sorceress I convert it in blp then I imported it but I'm never able to find the rigth path to put it at the place of the actual sorceress model file.

The name of my skin is Dark sorceress12 and it's in units\human\heroarchmage folder plz someone help me.
Level 3
Feb 6, 2005
number 1 make sure that the skin is for the right model, and if you just edited the original skin you should probably try just texture/... as the path

other wise i dont know
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
use the original name if it is not on an edited model file aswell. dont use textures/custom name.blp

if the model does not call for the blp
textures/custom name.blp.

convert the model you want to use the skin with and convert it to an mdl then open the mdl look down in to textures or images whatever it is called,

find the image you want to replace and import the skin with that path.
Level 2
Oct 9, 2004
Well...I still have a prob...now in my map editor my new skinn appear on the dragon hawk but when I test the map it appear like a normal dragon hawk and i tried to restart WE but it don,t worké
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