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This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
A texture I made for Pyramidhe@d's model, which I find awesome. The model can be found here:

EDIT: Hey, Dio here! If you enjoy my work, a tip would be most welcome! Even a little helps a lot!

vampire, knight, evil, temper, warrior, vlad, the, impaler, spear, spearman, glaive, pikeman, pike

Impaler Vampire (Texture)

17:04, 2nd Aug 2008 Dan van Ohllus: [Approved] Great outcome on the texture. And good that the model that this texture uses got approved as well.
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17:04, 2nd Aug 2008
Dan van Ohllus:
Great outcome on the texture.
And good that the model that this texture uses got approved as well.
Negative Comments:

[-] Stomach and Helmet are a bit plain. Some abs might be nice for the stomach.
[-] I think it needs a tad more depth in a few places. But it's fine in most.
[-] The thing that I really don't like it the fact that the wing membrane is the same shade as the piece holding the membranes together. (Sorry I don't know the anatomy of vampires, lol.)

Positive Comments:

[+] A fair amount of TC.
[+] Properly placed shadows and highlights.
[+] I love the shadows on those boots. <3
[+] General Appearance is appealing.
[+] Colour scheme is wonderful and no longer monotone.
[+] The armor is awsome.

Comments: In my opinion one of your best textures lately.

Overall Rating: 4.2/5
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