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Idea for a Vampirism-esque Map

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Level 10
Jun 10, 2007
So, I am making a map somewhat like Vampirism or Island Defense (mostly for practice and learning, however if it's good enough and unique I may release it), and to make it different, I am going to ditch the "Punisher" cage, partly because I don't like it, and partly because... I don't like it. Instead, I am thinking of making the Mythic (Titan, Vampire, etc) and his minions become slightly weaker as they gain more minions. In theory this will remove a bit of the snowballing effect, and make the loss of a minion less of a blow. If a minion dies, they all grow slightly stronger. This will also mean suicide-ers will do a lot less damage to the Mythic and his minions.

Could this work as intended? Or at all?
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Sounds good, I like it but definetly need to go with unique terrain.

Mythology would work well with a volcano side, whole map is on a slight downhill slope and lava pouring down.

Desert terrain, lots of mythological creatures could arise from the sand.

Completely underground map, caves once again can hide mythological creatures.

Terrain really needs to be good, island defense was fun but the bases got old, since they were all pretty much one entrance things.

Your minion idea totally works, like how it's balanced. Team who is attacked by the "Mythic" should get slight bonus for like every 2/3 people who leave or die on their team and ecspecially if there is one left only.

Unique idea, have it so the builders could create and expensive building, with an expensive unit, that if that unit kills a minion they will revert to a builder. It will keep people who hate being a minion in game.
Level 10
Jun 10, 2007
I do like the ideas with hidden creatures, however, this would make life for a running Builder very difficult unless they were throw-away die-in-one-hit creatures, in which case they are even easier for the Mythic. Unless you meant critters, in which case that'd certainly work.

All of your ideas are awesome, but I have trouble imagining them working for both sides in a game like this. (Except for terrain themes, which can of course work)

Wouldn't that last idea promote suiciding, though?
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Yes, but the reason I said "expensive" is so that it would take a long time to get the unit so it would take awhile for a player to get the chance to revert. Or too make it so players have to be on the Mythic's team would be when a builder dies, gets changed into a minion, wait about 300 seconds and then finally you could add to builders the ability to create the building needed, to create the unit to revert minions lol.

Also the "reverter unit" could die whenever he reverts a minion. There is many ways you can fix the problem, just use your personal preferance for which ^.^
Level 10
Jun 10, 2007
Oooh, I see. Yeah, that actually sounds half-reasonable now, perhaps some tweaking is required but I can see that possibly working. Only bad thing is that if the Minion reverts to a builder in the middle of a siege with other minions and gets killed again instantly. That can of course be fixed, but still. :p
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Make regions that when the minion reverts, have the regions detected for players that can harm the builder, then random interger and random spawn at one of the regions. Won't be too hard. Just some time =P But I see what you mean that'd suck to just change and die lol.

I will definetly follow this map, when you make a thread for it in the Basic Map Development section put the link here, more than likely i'll see it though and I will follow your map. Liked island defense but it needed work.
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