Icons (& some models) Request

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Level 3
Aug 15, 2008
Say I was just wondering If someone could make me a few Unit Icons & (perhaps) a few models. I am making a mock-up Warcraft 2 campaign in Warcraft 3. I looked through the Icons & model pages & could not find a few particular ones. I will list the below. Please note that I am not demanding. I can proceed without them but I think my campaign would be much better with them. If you do not wish to make them but know where I might find them that is also fine. Here are the units, the ones with (Model) means a model of them is also appreciated:
-Cho'gall (Model)
-Young Uther (Model)
-Kurdran & Sky'ree (Model) (Also if someone could find/make me some Wildhammer Dwarf units I will be eternally grateful)
-Turalyon (I have a model but if someone could make one with a hammer & one with the sword & shield of Lothar that'd be great)
-Danath Trollbane (Model)

I apologize for doing this, & for wasting anyone's time. please forgive me. As I said I can make my campaign without these but having them would increase the quality of it I think. Also I apologize for apologizing every other sentence. I have had bad experiences with requests & since forums are not live interactions it is hard to differentiate sarcasm from anger or constructive criticism from pissed off. please forgive me. Thank you in advance.

I have decided to put the requests that have been filled in white so those are no longer needed, however if anyone can find a better or alternate of any ones I have filled feel free to post. Thank you again.
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Level 3
Aug 15, 2008
I now realize I might need a model of Kurdran without Sky'ree since I am doing a conference type scene & though I can simply use the mountain King model I think it would be good to differentiate Kurdran from Magni, yes? as before it is not required but greatly appreciated.
Level 3
Aug 15, 2008
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