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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Sorry about not having a screenshot but the comp im posting on is a piece of s***, but I will have 1 soon. Thanks to Katana I learned how to shade but this was a very difficult skin, considering he is all 1 color.

ice, frost, cold, snow, man

Iceman (Texture)

THE_END: Hmm, I smell something. OH its a bad skin
Level 2
Aug 4, 2004
Intresting... but no clue what it looks like no screenie yet as you've said but looks like a hard job yep. Hey dude how did u convert it back into a .blp i have a skin i want to release but my blp converter aint workin and i need to convert it from .tga can ya help me out? wat did u use
Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
Use 'Warcraft 3 Image Extractor 2'

Use shades of green, teal and a lot of blue tints, with an lesser amount of white.

This doesn't look like very icy, try reproducing the ice texture on the banner of this site; http://www.sonsofthestorm.com/ and look at the blue man's hammer, interesting colors and effects no? now look at his skin, it also uses shade of purple, you used excessive teal as the main color, where you should have aimed for that hammer texture that is blue and white. for your shading, don't use the burn tool, or anything premade to darken it. use the pencil tool and smuge if available ( it helps a lot ) and put the darker areas you wish in a purple, and use smudge to spread it in the correct way.

nice try on the face, but you forgot nostrils, they're visible from that view, look at yourself at the mirror you will see. pratice drawing noses if you dont already. you're going on the way for the cheeks, but they're way too excessivly shaded, all that shading is unnescesarry! the cheek muscles are attached to the nose area. you should reduce the cheek muscle effect by 5x. look yourself at the mirror again ( that truck is handy for learning the structure of your face when doing some studies, or have a reference near you. ) as you can see the big shading isn't here, now take an angry look, there is more shading, but still, it doesn't match. Ice have a crystal-like structure.

the cheeks are too elavated, to remove this illusion, remove the black shading, as the cheek isn't very high in altitude unless you have a damn psychotic smile. the lightning could be directed toward the eyes, and near the top of the nose ( otherwisely, in game you will see two whites spots near his ears ( people will be like, wtf )).

that's it, make him nipples, and keep working hard, and study/enhance your basic knowledges about anatomy, if you wish to improve, it's already better than all those horrible recolors and such, be a chieftan, or a shaman, now you're only a grunt. and those recoloers and these horrible persons are peons.

beauty: 1,7/5 ( on the wormskull rating )
creativity: 2,3/5 ( oh well iceman, mushroom man would have been more creative. )
efforts: ?/5 (most important. it's up to you if you made a lot efforts and put dedication and love into this. as long as you made efforts, you should be proud of your skins. personally, i think you did some, beceause you made about 65% of the skin and did shading.
Level 1
Aug 9, 2004
This is the best Wormskull rating i've ever seen, it was pure constructive criticism, this makes my thoughts on Wormskull a little better, hopefully he'll use this in the future, it SEEMS like he knows what he's talking about, perhaps the reason he has no skins is because he isnt very good at drawing (just an assumption)and you flamers should shut your mouths, even if he criticizes like a jerk, that doesn't mean anything, some were mean't as critics, some were creators. Keep that in mind Wormskull H8RS. :shock:
Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
This is the best Wormskull rating i've ever seen, it was pure constructive criticism, this makes my thoughts on Wormskull a little better, hopefully he'll use this in the future, it SEEMS like he knows what he's talking about, perhaps the reason he has no skins is because he isnt very good at drawing (just an assumption)and you flamers should shut your mouths, even if he criticizes like a jerk, that doesn't mean anything, some were mean't as critics, some were creators. Keep that in mind Wormskull H8RS.

this is simply one of my comments, nothing different. my comment is versatile, it can find critics to say. thus, the crappier the content and the less effort put to it, the harsher the comment will be, but i wont really include the artist's artistic skills, most likely the efforts. like a recolor, forget that, it's pure rage from me.

and i do disagree that i suck at art, i go to an art school, draw a lot, i make studies, and i take deep looks at profesionnal work and examine them. i may not be the best for my age ( 14 ) but i think that i always had potential, i just didnt used it a lot until now. check out my workshop in off-topic forums. i dont post my skins beceause it's a personnal choice, frankly, i make requests, but i still train myself until it can be perfect to me.

now this comment just annhilated my comment direct to his skin. one comment made for a person that defened my comment made to help this willing artist.

i don't give a thing about this "hate" about me. this hate isn't here, it's only a group of persons that makes a lot of reviews that are most likely overrating that says my comments are innapropriate and bleh bleh bleh.

can we just stop, saying how much each other sucks, and is stupid or mean after each comments i post??
Level 2
Aug 6, 2004
as always thanks for the comments, I used the colors directly from a picture of iceman from the ultimate X-men sight. maybe pne day i will be perfect but not today =P
@gpp2 explain how it dosnt work? I gave the right path and everything plz be more descriptive.