I need help thanks <3

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Icon Reviewer
Level 62
Jun 2, 2008
So i recently wanted to make an icon or many after a long while..
And i just made one, so i saved it as a jpeg and renamed it as BTNexample.blp and then tried to upload it and it said that is was corrupted?
Oh by the way i have a mac and a windows 8 Pc.. so, i went to the tools section and tried to download the BLP tools for mac and that doesn't work anymore so i went to the PC and I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong but a lot of those don't work for me..

So what I'm asking is can i get a little bit of help to find or figure out how to convert these dang icons already? haha.. i used some tools a long time ago but I'm not sure why there don't really wanna work now..


Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Blp saves an alpha channel and jpg is more compressed. You can't just change the suffix, you need to use a tool to change the format.

Have you tried wc3 viewer? If it requests for a .dll file download such from a safe website and paste it into the same folder as the tool.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I don't know about mac sorry :(

For windows 8, unarchive the file somewhere, recommended a folder, and open up the application called "Warcraft 3 Viewer.exe". If it requests for a .dll file, google that file by the name, including .dll in the end. Then download that file from a site you can trust and put the downloaded file to the same folder you have your "Warcraft 3 Viewer.exe" in.

If it still doesn't boot up, go to right click > properties and compatibility tab, check in some random settings you believe to help it. If it doesn't boot up even after that, find another tool, I believe.

So you said this doesn't work? Well that's the only one for mac in hive atm so you're basically f'ed with mac.


Icon Reviewer
Level 62
Jun 2, 2008
Yeah the mac tool doesn't work.. and i downloaded the .dll file and didn't compress it and put it in the folder with the viewer in it and tried clicking war3viewer again and it still doesn't work.. I'm really not sure whats happening but i wanna solve it.. can you find a good site that has the all file to download? the one i downloaded seemed to be legit but I'm not really sure..

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

What is the name of the .dll file it requests?

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079



  • cximagecrt.rar
    300.5 KB · Views: 54

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

.rar ? Needs to be .blp

And why you have only those 2? You need to have the whole wc3 viewer package in the same folder.


Icon Reviewer
Level 62
Jun 2, 2008
oh sorry im confusing you.

i downloaded the cximagecrt.rar file and put it in the folder, thats done.
also, do i need to open the warcraft3viewer folder and move everything into a seperate folder? and then add the cximagecrt.dll folder in there as well?

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Here's a pic of working wc3 viewer, if it helps you :)


  • asdf.png
    13.3 KB · Views: 170

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

how to use it
To convert your .jpg file into .blp, go to the top-most row of buttons on the Viewer, go to "Convert Files", click on "BMP, TGA, or JPG -> BLP", navigate to your file and open it, select save location and name, select quality of compression (higher is more quality), then if it doesn't have alpha mask ready, it'll ask to create a 100% white (visible) alpha mask onto it. Proceed from that and click "OK".
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