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I need a goblinesque building.

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Level 1
Jan 9, 2015
Hello, I'm new here and I was making a map that has to deal itself with goblins. So I was hoping that someone would be kind enough to make me a building model that is very... Goblin-ey. I am looking for something that would befit a goblin barracks or possibly a Goblin war factory. So yeah.... I just really need a Goblin barracks building model please. For how I want it to look perhaps..... just something that says Goblin. Oh and I'm also looking for some kind off Goblin Mage model. Umm, I don't know how to end this so uhh pls halp me.:goblin_cry:
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Have you checked the Model section? Goblins are one of the most popular kinds of models; I can vouch that there are at least 2 "Goblin Barracks" and certainly several units that could be used as Mages.

That being said, I'm all behind MOAR GOBLINS, and buildings are lacking for everyone. I know the likes of MiniMage (& RizzBoomer, though I don't know if he's still on anymore) love Goblins & are modelers, so if you have any artistic talent you might be able to convince them to model something...

Good luck.
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