I don't get this

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Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
So im starting to play 1v1 in this but i really don't get it.

The last ten games or so i got pretty much killed of pretty quikly...

Btw i refuse to choose a race so i just use random. But everytime my army just gets its ass kicked. Sometimes i try to scout but offcours but then terran or protoss have already walled of i'm in the dark of what's coming... and even when i know that a marine marauder spam is coming... i'm just not fast enough building a sizeable army of zealots and stalkers to fight it

I also forget to build supply sometimes, and what's so good about having four gates instead of three... i just don't get it... i realy realy don't get it. I know which units counter what and such but i just get lost when i build things etc. and whenever i attack i just get my army destroyed anyway.

Still why the hell am i in goddamn gold league and have to fight someone that is going to beat me anyway... sigh...
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Random isn't a very good idea as you may end up making cheese of every race every game and this won't work higher. When I match someone Random race, I know he'll do some cheese or something and he does..

Making workers constantly will give you what is needed to make more buildings and thus produce more and larger armies. You have observers to scout him, xel naga towers or a unit to see him coming. Immortals can help early, you've got sentry to block the ramp with force field.

Overall, watch pro replays.
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
I did already watch tons of replays of people that are way better than me, but i just seem to get stuck at some point at what to do. Regardless of what race i play.

Previous game (TvT) i created 3 barracks, got a lot of marines and indeed tried to rush (was just trying to get a quik win becuase i lost all the time) but i couldn't break through. We ended up having the same marine tank build and then he dropped inside my base with an army that destoyed my main so quikly that when i got my attention over there it was already too late.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Practice is the thing. Since SC and War3 skill carries over to SC2 you can easily start from diamond even get easily master if you are that good. So if you have some decent skill from those past games, you will get higher quicklier. If not, it will require you lots of games to compensate your lack of skill from previous games.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Well this is going to take to long to learn, so far my starcraft 2 melee experience ^^

If you want to start out melee I suggest you play either protoss or terran for starters, since Zerg is based so heavy on mechanical stuff, aka how fast your fingers are.

You should just focus on macro macro macro... and terran is the easiest race to macro. Protoss being second best, Zerg being harderst... at least for begginers.

Just think about making a bigger army in shortest time possible while trying to expand around the 6 minute mark too. Just keep doing that, just keep applying one strategy and you will learn the game. It's just much more smoother for a begginer this way. Since you always use the same strategy, you learn it's weakest point and strongest point and thus you know how to improve it.

Futhermore after the match watch the replay to see what won/lose you the game.
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
Ok so i play protoss now but everytime i encounter a terran that just masses marauders and marines and walls his base in with siege tanks i try to make templars etc. but it just doesn't work. Maybe i should've built a proxy pylon or something to keep the pressure on?
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I recomend either trying to 4gate, ot 2-3gate + robo.

The 4gate is mostly an all-in tactic. It either works and you win, or it fails and most likely you will loose. Should be enough tutorials on YT for this.

The 2-3gate+Robo is more of a early-mid game tech. The good thing about is that you have 2-3 gateways which u use to constantly make units so you won't fail against enemy rush. The Immortal is a very good unit against marauders and siege tanks. Also a fast Observer helps you identify what your enemy is doing. You can also expand off this.

You need to practice using Sentries and Zealot compositions with a couple of stalkers. (early in the game).

Sentries+ Zealots is all about numbers... the total cost of 1 sentry and 1 zealot is 150 minerals, 100 gas. While 1 stakers costs 175 minerals, 75 gas if I remember corectly.

Early game you can have about 1 zealot and 5 sentrires... and all the saved up minerals can go into an expansion.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
From diamond 4gate will not work that much (not that Masters dont do it too). Use 4gate if you see him going early expand. If he doesn't expand and turtles with tanks 4gate may not work for you, then you expand but you should decide if it is a good idea to expand based on will he stand in his base or will he come to you very soon. Or you could play normal with early expand but you need skill to be able to hold back and win. That's what I dislike about SC2, war3 as a human player you fast expand, huge pressure on your expand etc but you could hold back easily. Here, it requires lots of more work to hold off an expand and counter cause often early expand less units vs some all in, all in may win.

I would say Z is the hardest race, then Terran, P is the easiest...

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The game will also shift your position around to try and match you against people with simlar skills to yourself. I heard this process can take atleast 100 games before it gets right.

Just keep playing as long as you enjoy it. You will definatly get wins and you will gradually improve.
Level 10
Jan 17, 2009
So im starting to play 1v1 in this but i really don't get it.

The last ten games or so i got pretty much killed of pretty quikly...

Btw i refuse to choose a race so i just use random. But everytime my army just gets its ass kicked. Sometimes i try to scout but offcours but then terran or protoss have already walled of i'm in the dark of what's coming... and even when i know that a marine marauder spam is coming... i'm just not fast enough building a sizeable army of zealots and stalkers to fight it

I also forget to build supply sometimes, and what's so good about having four gates instead of three... i just don't get it... i realy realy don't get it. I know which units counter what and such but i just get lost when i build things etc. and whenever i attack i just get my army destroyed anyway.

Still why the hell am i in goddamn gold league and have to fight someone that is going to beat me anyway... sigh...

You're too pathetic (read: naïve) to realise that random doesn't work
Move up to Zerg, spam zerglings, roaches and banes, get hydras if AA is needed, never stop spamming.
Level 10
Jan 17, 2009
Oneracers are more privileged than randoms while playing because it takes about three times less time to master one race to a degree where you are good than having to master three different races, with hotkeys, macro, groups and build order variety.

I like Zerg the most, but they seem the most underappreciated.
The Franks seem to be leading the Zergs in the grandmaster levels for Europe
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
Well i've chosen protoss, i've played over 40 ladder games but it's going to take a while to get up and when you don't play you get ranked lower so you gotta keeping playing to get a good ranking. And i've also got other games to play and other stuff to do so...
I did already watch tons of replays of people that are way better than me, but i just seem to get stuck at some point at what to do. Regardless of what race i play.

Previous game (TvT) i created 3 barracks, got a lot of marines and indeed tried to rush (was just trying to get a quik win becuase i lost all the time) but i couldn't break through. We ended up having the same marine tank build and then he dropped inside my base with an army that destoyed my main so quikly that when i got my attention over there it was already too late.

Well first off you're not rushing if you're 3 raxing.

Build a single rax and produce 4 rines to rush.

Anywhoo, watch multiplayer tutorial vids, don't just watch match vids; it won't teach you anything.

Have constantly workers being built (but don't have more than 2 being built at once to mineral lock yourself) and just keep producing units.

You'll find lots and lots of even a small variant of unit is better than teching and only having a few (with some exceptions, of course).

Example being 5-6 rines can kill a void ray if he fails at micro.

Edit: We should ladder sometime :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 1
Dec 21, 2010
Learn the way of the zerg, for the new expansion of course, terran/protoss are easier though, zerg is a whole new concept but you only need to master the 10p all in, 10p economic (to catch out your opponent), roach rush and early expansion. Your apm must be low as most players are fairly effective at copying starting strategies, even in bronze. You must hotkey everything, your unit producing buildings and main base, also queens if you are zerg and use minimap to inject larvae.
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