Humanity's first flight was not by Wright brothers

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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Hey hivers,
Did you know that the first human to fly was actually not the wright brothers but an Indian? yes, that's 100% true. This happened 8 yrs before The Wright brothers made their flight when India was under British Rule. The britishers wanted to become the first in everything so they pressed this matter and also tried to sentence death to the real Father of flight and airplanes.

Yes, his name was Shivkar Talpade.
read this brief account from a famous newspaper :-

MUMBAI: As the roar of the engines of the Air Force jets died down when the air show ended on Sunday, there were a few whose thoughts went back to the first flight of a plane at the very Chowpatty beach over which the air show was held.

In 1895 an Indian pioneer flew what is said to be the first Indian plane in the air. The centenary year of the first successful flight, by the Wright brothers, was celebrated from December 17, 2003. But our own pioneer from Mumbai, Shivkar Bapuji Talpade, made an aircraft and had flown it eight years earlier. One of Talpade's students, P Satwelkar, has chronicled that his craft called 'Marutsakha'(Friend of the Winds) flew unmanned for a few minutes and came down.

Talpade belonged to the Pathare Prabhu community, one of the founder of Mumbai. According to aviation historians Mr Talpade used his knowledge of the Rig Vedas to build a plane. Orville and Wilbert Wright accomplished their feat in California on December 17,1903. Their flight lasted for 37 seconds.

This was taken into consideration by the Indian government on january this year. There's also an Indian film named "Hawaizaada" made on this Fact. If you can speak or understand Hindi then please download and watch this heart touching movie that tells about the True history of Flight.

This thread is not an offence to any user living in Britian.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

A quick google search said otherwise.

It said he made an unmanned flying thing.

The unmanned flying thing was a prototype version. the actual flying machine that could seat a human used mercury as it's fuel and flew on *some date i don't remember* at 10:24 in the morning because the aircraft used sunlight as It's fuel and at 10:24 the sunlight was the brightest.

U should read the whole document. You can also make a youtube search to watch the hawaizaada film that was inspired by this true fact.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Shivkar Talpade or Wright brothers...
Well, actually I want to say that I don't really care who did the first flight. What matters to me is that now "we" all can fly today with some means of transport like aircrafts. For me, what happened in the past is gone so I don't like to think what happened long ago or about the history of something.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Shivkar Talpade or Wright brothers...
Well, actually I want to say that I don't really care who did the first flight. What matters to me is that now "we" all can fly today with some means of transport like aircrafts. For me, what happened in the past is gone so I don't like to think what happened long ago or about the history of something.

You are actually right, the world is our home. But I just wanted to highlight a very important line in history that 95% of people in the world were deprived of.
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Hey hivers,
Did you know that the first human to fly was actually not the wright brothers but an Indian? yes, that's 100% true.

This was taken into consideration by the Indian government on january this year. There's also an Indian film named "Hawaizaada" made on this Fact.
Eye spy, bold words and statistical data. You must be 101% typical Indian sir-ji :goblin_good_job:

Now let us look at some other facts besides the ones you have already stated:
1. Besides the textual evidence their is nothing tangible to support the idea that Talpade built the first air-plane. Even the textual evidence suggests a Gas-Ballon type device.
2. Wright brothers were working on the air plane model for nearly a decade. Much longer before talpade. It is even possible that Talpade got inspired by reading about them in newspapers, like he got inspired by Edison and Maxim.
3. The idea to make a flight device was nothing new by the 19th century. People had been fiddling with airplanes, wings, parachutes, gas ballons since centuries before Talpade was born.
4. Talpade the real father of flight? Seriously?!
See Leonardo da Vinci's Airplane plans made in the 16th century and figure out for yourselves.
6. Hawaizaada is a complete work of fiction, like most films are and should be viewed that away. The film is only based around the whole Talpade facade. Even the airplane shown in the film is based off Da Vinci's airplane drawings.
7. One should not believe everything their government tells them, especially if their government is a bitch like the extreme right wing, nationalist propaganda agency that the current Indian government is.

All in all you have fallen prey to your government's nationalist propaganda. India is a great country as it is and doesn't need baseless urban myths to alleviate it to a higher status in the world politics. These ideas are spread to muster the general populace into believing the greatness of their nation and into becoming rigid idealists who will defend their beliefs even as the society around them sinks into a muck of dirty political and social filth of poverty, disease, hunger, crime and incompetence.

This thread is not an offence to any user living in Britian.
As if any Britisher should even care, really.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

All in all you have fallen prey to your government's nationalist propaganda. India is a great country as it is and doesn't need baseless urban myths to alleviate it to a higher status in the world politics. These ideas are spread to muster the general populace into believing the greatness of their nation and into becoming rigid idealists who will defend their beliefs even as the society around them sinks into a muck of dirty political and social filth of poverty, disease, hunger, crime and incompetence.

I think I should do some more research as I agree with whatever you say. -BUT-!!!
Talpade did make a succesful flight 8 years before the Wright Brothers and you can check it on the wikipedia. And the Wright Brothers did not work for years but talpade did also talpade flied for a much longer duration. That is also mentioned in the wikipedia...

But Who Cares? We all are of the same species and we all can fly now... :)
I made this thread just to reveal the truth.

EDIT : yes I am an Indian. :p but I did not post this thread because of that..
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
I think I should do some more research as I agree with whatever you say. -BUT-!!!
Talpade did make a succesful flight 8 years before the Wright Brothers and you can check it on the wikipedia. And the Wright Brothers did not work for years but talpade did also talpade flied for a much longer duration. That is also mentioned in the wikipedia...


Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

My dad actually invented the first airplane. I don't have a source on it, but it's not like we really care, it's in the past anyhow.


Actually it was ducks that helped humans invent flying.

That's the real thing actually. hahaha LOL
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