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Human Units Faction Skins

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Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
I need units faction skins like Lordaeron, Kirin Tor, Stormwind, Kul'Tiras, Argent Crusade. for the peasant ,footman, and knight. please help
Well, if I had the other skins I'd give them to you, not to mention use them myself. You wouldn't need a skin for the Lordaeron Footman and Knight since the Footman and Knight in Warcraft 3 are Lordaeron Footmen and Knights.

You could use this for a Kul Tiras Footman and would this skin suffice for a Lordaeron Footman and Argent Knight?:


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Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
yes thank you Footman 16 but can you post the Lordaeron Footman skin as BLP Please ?
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yes thank you Footman 16 but can you post the Lordaeron Footman skin as BLP Please ?

I'm currently making your skins, so once they're all done and in .blp form I'll upload them here. Do you need the peasants by the way? Also I've improved the Footman massively so don't use that one.
Yes and thank you so mach

Here are all the Footman skins now done, I'll send you them along with the Knights who I've still to do. They're about 50/50 freehand non-freehand.



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Level 9
Feb 13, 2013
Hey Footman16, if you want, I could help you out with some of the skins but it'll take quite a while before I finish all of them :p

Edit: Hey I just remembered that Hayate helped me out with some of the ugly wraps of the footman and captain model. If you want I could send them to you tomorrow, after I ask hayate's permission to share it and after I locate it at my hard drive. I hope this helps :)
Hey Footman16, if you want, I could help you out with some of the skins but it'll take quite a while before I finish all of them :p

Edit: Hey I just remembered that Hayate helped me out with some of the ugly wraps of the footman and captain model. If you want I could send them to you tomorrow, after I ask hayate's permission to share it and after I locate it at my hard drive. I hope this helps :)

Sure, Hayate's a massive help, and he's converted my .tgas since I can't do it myself.

Also how would you want to help out? Making your own versions? Touching up mine? :ogre_haosis:
Right gotten two of the knights done, the wrap is an utter pain. It's Stromgarde and Argent Dawn/Crusade; which only leaves Kul Tiras and Dalaran/Kirin Tor. The designs of the Knight's should fit in with the Footman and the logos are all free hand.



EDIT: Will you be using the Argent Captain skin I linked earlier for the Argent Footman or do you want me to make you one?


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Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
I dont mind useing the Argent Captain skins if you want you can make the argent footman skin if you want and also the skins are great i am planing a faction map for every human faction so you are helping alot how about your tales of the alliance ? (and you also do the lordaeron knight right?)


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I dont mind useing the Argent Captain skins if you want you can make the argent footman skin if you want and also the skins are great i am planing a faction map for every human faction so you are helping alot how about your tales of the alliance ?

Tales of the Alliance? Still working on it, bit by bit; hope to get the first campaign of it released soon once it's done, just 2-3 more maps to finish for it. But I'm pretty busy working on my Azeroth Wars type map, updating my High Elf Custom Race map and finishing my Scarlet Crusade Custom Race map.

I'll see about the Argent Footman once I've finished the Knights.

To use all those skins will require a lot of extra models will they not?
Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
Amazing great job how long you think antil you uplode and the skins give an idea for a camping
Amazing great job how long you think antil you uplode and the skins give an idea for a camping

Well I've still got two knight skins to go and then there's peasants, but once I've finished the last two Knight skins - Kul Tiras and Kirin Tor, I'll upload them.
Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
but the symbol on the lordaeron knight dont match the symbol on the lordaeron footmen and can you do icons ?




I want 2 icons for every footman skins

*I would like to receive two icons for every footman skins, please*

People helping you are doing it voluntarily, so don't treat them like underlings in a rude, demanding tone.
Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
*I would like to receive two icons for every footman skins, please*

People helping you are doing it voluntarily, so don't treat them like underlings in a rude, demanding tone.
I did not mean it like that i wrote the the post like that because i was in a herry and footman16 i didnt ment it to sound like i disrespect you
Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
It's fine but it is a massive request you've got going so it will take a little while.

No problem, tack how long you need and i really appreciate you work and thank you for itand can you plase post the skins here ?
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Level 30
Mar 9, 2012
I have made this.
You will need an footman without shield-spike.

Edit: Have added alternate version with Admiral's sword and Captain version.


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Level 30
Mar 9, 2012
Why Green and Black?

I had read about why Knights blackened their armor(so that it lasts longer at sea).
Seeing Kul'Tiras operates at sea thought this would make sense with them. Dark green because Proudmoore's forces are dark green and in wow their forces wear green tabards and clothes.

Anyways here is my version of the Lordaeron Knight.
Known issues with it:
-Tc shield may use some shading
-needs Tc stripe re-added at backside of horse due to not enough teamcolor
-i have to work on the circlet to hairband transition sometime.

edit: updated with changes.
Users may want to give credit to Blood Raven, Footman16 and stein123.


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Level 30
Mar 9, 2012
So you basically took my free-hand work and added C'n'P to it?
Horse came as Scarlet and circlet came from another texture. Then i have recolored, took the big L from an icon i had made.

I need an Footman and Captain that doesnt use mirrored texture at chest and on shield, since its rendering symbols other than fully symmetricals impossible to do.
And well it has to have an extended texture with other side of shield and chest present in texture to be painted on.

The only other thing i perhaps can do atm is Alterac Footy with an bandit texture.
Horse came as Scarlet and circlet came from another texture. Then i have recolored, took the big L from an icon i had made.

Have you credited Blood Raven for the Horse Texture?

So you have just taken my skin and C'n'P'd parts from not just images but other peoples' skins as well.
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