yes thank you Footman 16 but can you post the Lordaeron Footman skin as BLP Please ?
Yes and thank you so mach
Hey Footman16, if you want, I could help you out with some of the skins but it'll take quite a while before I finish all of them
Edit: Hey I just remembered that Hayate helped me out with some of the ugly wraps of the footman and captain model. If you want I could send them to you tomorrow, after I ask hayate's permission to share it and after I locate it at my hard drive. I hope this helps
I dont mind useing the Argent Captain skins if you want you can make the argent footman skin if you want and also the skins are great i am planing a faction map for every human faction so you are helping alot how about your tales of the alliance ?
Sure, Hayate's a massive help, and he's converted my .tgas since I can't do it myself.
Also how would you want to help out? Making your own versions? Touching up mine?
i was addressing you legion
I just realised you didn't ask for any Stromgarde stuff lol. Ah well, I need them for my own campaigns.
Yep, he's probably going to have the most free-hand on him out of all the Knights and he should be done by tomorrow; then it's just Kul Tiras knight left right?
And the dalaran knight
Amazing great job how long you think antil you uplode and the skins give an idea for a camping
but the symbol on the lordaeron knight dont match the symbol on the lordaeron footmen and can you do icons ?
Yes, what about it?
I want 2 icons for every footman skins
I did not mean it like that i wrote the the post like that because i was in a herry and footman16 i didnt ment it to sound like i disrespect you*I would like to receive two icons for every footman skins, please*
People helping you are doing it voluntarily, so don't treat them like underlings in a rude, demanding tone.
I did not mean it like that i wrote the the post like that because i was in a herry and footman16 i didnt ment it to sound like i disrespect you
It's fine but it is a massive request you've got going so it will take a little while.
I have made this.
You will need an footman without shield-spike.
I've already made one.
I have made this.
You will need an footman without shield-spike.
Edit: Have added alternate version with Admiral's sword and Captain version.
Why Green and Black?
Horse came as Scarlet and circlet came from another texture. Then i have recolored, took the big L from an icon i had made.So you basically took my free-hand work and added C'n'P to it?
Horse came as Scarlet and circlet came from another texture. Then i have recolored, took the big L from an icon i had made.