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Huge Artwork Request! (Warning: Big images inside)

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Level 10
Apr 4, 2011
The person to take up this request will Receive: A lot of +Rep
And Credits
Hello Hive members. Today i am requesting a rather large Art work

Ill try keep it quite simple:
What i am wanting is a Gaming poster. which is divided into two sections. These are the two Main logos i want in the Poster

On the left side of the poster i would like this image:

On the right side of the poster i would like this image:

Now, For the 2 images on the side, i am wanting them to be faded, So they both fade behind the 'Activision & Blizzard' Logo and they blend in with the background, For the background i would like it to suit both the 2 images on the side ( I would prefer a dark background)

Here is my example:

Please if you are in need of more detailed information on this request PM me
This request is very important and needs to be done with good effort so please don't waste your time if your not going to follow my request
Level 10
Apr 4, 2011
Omg amazing!! But maybe it was my fault, could u switch the two images on the side around? So the diabo on the right and the marine on the left?
And for the bottom of the image, instead of it all be black. Could u try fill it with some effect? but try blending it so it suits both the side images? if that makes sense
Im thinking maybe an image like this But also make it fade at the top because its to light (same fade like the other two images) Just play around with it and see what fits :) Kinda wanting like a City on the mountains or something dark
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Level 10
Apr 4, 2011
For the Diablo. Could u make him face outwards? For this i want the face to stand out. And do you see how the image looks like its Cut into 3 sections? Could u Blend them all together? i also wouldn't mind a bit more fog
And it is for a Gaming poster that will be used At a gaming convention Called Armageddon which is held every year here.

PS: Sorry im being very picky, its just important that it looks good :p
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